1 || A Trip in the Woods || 1

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Jake swiftly threw his coat on, making sure his precious dog, Oreo, was ready to head out. He grabbed the flashlight off of the counter, heading towards the door, opening it. The cool winter air blew into Jakes face, and Oreo trotted out, making little foot tracks into the snow. Jake followed after him. He usually never needed a leash for Oreo, he had taken him out many times with no casualties. Oreo was a tame dog anyways, normally wanting to stay inside.

Jake shivered out in the dark winter snow. He walked to the edge of the woods with Oreo, letting him go to the bathroom. Oreo walked into the woods, not to far though. Just seeming to walk behind some trees. Jake waited patiently, though his patience wore off very quickly. Oreo was taking a much longer time than usual, Jake thought to himself. His thoughts were quickly cut off by a bark. Jake perked up at the unexpected bark. He walked over to where Oreo had seemed to walk.. but he wasn't there. He quickened his pace to go look for Oreo, who seemed to have wandered off farther into the woods. Another quick bark rang into Jakes ears.

"Oreo?" Jake called out.

He could barely see a thing in the dark forest. But he soon spotted a part of Oreos white and black fur coat near a tree. Jake ran over to him, kneeling down. Oreo seemed to be- ... panting. He was chomping at his own fur, near his shoulder. Oreo whimpered as if to be in pain.

"Gosh, what'd you get yourself into bud?" Jake murmured to himself, less talking to the dog and more to himself, thinking out loud.

Jake reached out to touch the fur on Oreos shoulder where he was desperately trying to lick .. or bite? Before he could get a clear look at it, Oreo chomped at Jakes hand, though Jake quickly pulled away before his hand could be bit. What? Oreo was no aggressive dog, Jake knew this. His dog wouldn't even be able to hurt a fly. Jake paused, staring at the now seemingly violent dog. His dog. Confusion filled Jakes face. And maybe a bit of fear.. what's gotten into Oreo? Before Jake could attempt to pet Oreo to calm him down, he sprinted off and farther into the forest. Too fast for Jake to react. Jake hopped up, running after the dog. But Oreo was too fast, Jake couldn't keep up.

"Oreo!" He called out once again, his voice panicked. He ran farther and farther through the snow, but the darkness had consumed Oreo and Jake could no longer keep track of where his dog was. After a few minutes of running through the woods, Jake fell to his knees and into the cold snow. But his cold breath and currently freezing temperature was the least of his worries in the moment. He panted, his warm breath showing up as fog in the cold air. Jake was conflicted. "Should I find Oreo? I cant see anything at a time like this." But that wasn't Jakes main worry. The questions still remained, "Why did he run? Why did he look in pain? Why did he bite?" Nothing could quite explain it that Jake could think of.

He shakily stood up from his knees, taking one last look into the foggy, dark woods before turning around in defeat. I suppose he would have to look for Oreo tomorrow after school.

If Oreo .. makes it.

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