Hatching the Plan

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June 18th

When I woke, the morning light was streaming in through Taran’s open window, the sea breeze a welcomed smell. I stretched, my wings slowly uncurling from their sleeping state until they were fully out. Sitting up, I caught sight of someone moving just outside Taran’s window.

“Morning,” he smiled warmly, taking my hand as I climbed out of his window to join him on the roof. Fortunately, Taran’s room was located on the fifth floor of the building, right above the one of the laundry rooms. The floors below were a little large than the fifth floor, and therefore there was building right outside Taran’s window to perch on.

Once I was seated beside him, his arm curled around my waist. I’d out my camisole back on, along with my skirt which was blowing in the wind. I shivered.

“What’s wrong?” Taran asked, afraid I was cold. I just gave him a content smile.

“I don’t know... I feel... different.” I murmured, hugging my knees. Taran cocked his head to one side and looked at me quizzingly. He laughed.

“Wow, girls really do see sex as a life changing experience,” he said jokingly. I just rolled my eyes.

“Last night was...” I started, but I didn’t know how to finish my sentence. There really wasn’t anything to describe the night before. I had nothing to compare it too.

After rattling my brain though, I finally came up with a good enough answer.

“Last night was one of the best experiences of my life,” I finally answered, pleased with myself. “You’re one of the best experiences of my life.”

Taran pulled me closer and kissed me, lingering longer than normal.

“What was that for?” I asked, licking my lips once he’d pulled away, tasting him. Taran grinned knowingly.

“My way of saying ‘I love you’,” He said coyly.

Resting my head back on his shoulder, I sighed contently. “I love you too.”

Once I eventually left Taran’s room, I headed straight over to Raffe’s, trying to plan how I’d go about explaining to him how I was dying.

I hadn’t wanted him to find out like he had. I’d wanted to sit him down and explain, away from prying eyes where we could have been emotional about it.

Taran and I had discussed my situation before I’d left his room. We’d decided that he, Raffe and Pan would all spend my last day together, assuming Pan and Raffe would want to. I was hoping they’d want to- I didn’t want to die without them.

Taran and I had also decided I’d see him later on to carry on where we’d left off.

Once I reached Raffe’s room, a whole two floors down from Taran’s, I prayed he was in and knocked on his door once or twice. When no answer came, I knocked again.

“Coming,” I heard a voice call from behind the door. Seconds later, it opened and I stood before a half naked Raffe, the yellow and brown patches of fur on his chest a lot lighter and duller than what they had been yesterday.

He didn’t try to hide the depression in his face.

“Raffe,” I started awkwardly. “Can I come in?”

He didn’t move immediately, but after I tried a smile, he moved aside and I stepped past him.

His bed was still unmade and his clothes were sprawled across the floor, which told me I’d probably just woken him up. I was going to tell him I’d come back later, but I decided against myself. I had to open up to Raffe eventually. There wasn’t going to be any other time better than now.

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