Lucian/Shadow/Kindred backstory

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ጋዐክ'ፕ ቹክፕቹዪ, ጋዐክ'ፕ ረጎነፕቹክ ረኡፓቻጋዐነጎፓቻል

Lucian, or Shadow, weren't always living on earth, and they weren't always happy. To see how they got here, we must go back before she was born.

Once Upon a time there were two demons, who met in the middle of a war, between heaven and hell. The war entered the void, which was a pretty nice thriving place at the time, the void demons/angels were bystanders and most didn’t want to participate in the war. Except a few, one of these few being Void Demon Royalty. She fought to protect the void demons/angels. She was powerful with magic, and hand to hand combat. One demon saw her in combat, protecting the void demons/angels. He flew up to her and helped protect the bystanders. The human souls were important for both. He was skilled with the blade. Once the chaos died down, the void demon thanked him. He expressed that he was just trying to help. The void demon didn’t expect any angel or demon to help, but to her surprise this demon did.

A few years after meeting, she was bringing a soul down to hell, just to see him on her way down. She stopped to say hello, but he got there first. He asked if they could meet after she was done delivering the soul. She agreed to it, and after she delivered the soul, she went to the place he said to go too. Eventually they learned more about each other. Kassie, the Void Princess at the time, and Nurgle, the half Angel half Demon of Chaos.

Skip a few years, they have settled down and had a little boy/girl. They named the kid Lucian and Shadow, (Light and Shadow). Shadow was a good little girl compared to Lucian. They tried school both in the void and hell, but neither of them worked for L.S.. so they homeschooled L.S.. As the years went by L.S. grew, they grew a tail and wings, an extra set of ears. They grew in a chaotic fashion. Their parents slowly grew apart, as they had more and more responsibilities. L.S. started to feel alone, and they took up voodoo magic to try and help with it. L.S. eventually grew up and had to live on their own. L.S. only had each other, but it still didn’t fill the emptiness in their heart.

Oneday L.S. got themselves a job. L.S. always kept their dolls nearby, until the day hit. The Voids Shatter. Which is what made it the void. L.S. saw someone poison their mom, who was queen at the time. L.S. seeked revenge.

Turns out, a corrupt god was on a warpath, he seeked all the royalty so he can be the one true ruler or all the realms. Lucky the god of gods, Action, stopped him in his tracks in the void. They broke out into a fight. L.S. seeing him and knowing that, he was the corrupt one who killed their mother. Magic surrounded them as they angrily charged at the corrupt guard, subconsciously summoning a scythe, and as they slashed at the corrupted god, it sent such a powerful chaotic/void magic wave that shattered the entire void (making it the way it is now). Killing almost everyone except the god of gods and a few demons. The god of gods flew away. The void, now empty. L.S. hid this power of the combined magic, and they decided to only have one side of them out at a time. 

They lived the rest of their life alone, as the rest of the demons tried rebuilding this once luxerouse and vibrant purgatory. They decided to just blend in, and never ever show themselves to people ever again. 

Till one day…

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