The Box

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It is vibrant and ancient,

Puzzles scattered around,

The cube glows in the dark, just waiting to be solved,

The closer she got, the brighter it seemed.

The cube was asking to be solved,

Yet an unnerving presence surrounded it.

A darkness, a force surrounded it,

So she hid the artifact in a well.

I found a cube,

I climbed down the well.

The darker it got, the brighter it became,

As I grabbed the cube, I felt attached

I saw the puzzles, looking past the vibrant color.

I spent days solving the puzzles just to open it,

And that's when I felt it,

A darkness, something filled me with dread,

But I had to open it, I had to see what it held.

I kept working on it,

Slowly becoming more and more paranoid.

Then, I saw it, in the mirror, my reflection,

I was old, Lifeless eyes.

I snapped out of it,

I hid the box, in a well, and closed it.

I saw this glowing artifact at the bottom of the well,

I climbed down, it got more vibrant the closer I got.

I saw puzzles all around, some were solved,

I took it to my study, I was addicted,

I needed to solve these puzzles,

I spent months trying to solve it.

That's when I felt it, This unnerving presence.

I got paranoid, and I saw it. It was me, dark soulless eyes.

I ran it back to the well and threw it down, 

Never to be seen again.

I saw this glowing object at the bottom of the well,

So I climbed down, the closer I got the brighter it got.

It was a alien like cube,

I brought it with me everywhere,

There were so many puzzles to solve, so many layers.

I spent years solving layers,

I built myself a robot, to do things for me.

And then a unnerving presence flew over me,

A darkness of sorts.

I looked back at the box, only a few more layers.

One more layer I would say before I fell asleep,

But that night, I saw myself,

Old with soulless eyes.

I snapped out of my addiction and threw it down a well,

So no one will ever find it again.

I saw this strange artifact down the well.

I went down to grab it,

It had vibrant colors, and many puzzles,

I started solving the puzzles, 

“There must be something inside,”

I thought to myself,

I spent years on end solving the puzzles and then.

It opened, a old clock,

That's what was in the box.

I grabbed the item and examined them.

While I studied the item, I saw a demon,

Some sort of shadow creature.

Just realizing I must have released some sort of evil,

The creature grabbed me and got sucked into my body.

I spent days fighting for control of my body,

I got weaker each time I Lost control, 

And everytime I wake from it,

The more blood that was on my hands.

I cut off my hands,

Hoping to stop it.

Yet, its ingenuity made hands out of spare parts,

I ran to the clock and touched it.

Time skipped a hour,

I want to turn it back,

The world around me moved backwards,

This demon must have been a guard of sorts.
I had to get rid of this clock.

So I invented this box, and trapped a demon inside,

I turned the time back, way back.

I hid the clock in the box,

And hid it down a dark, damp, abandoned well,

Where no one will find it.

I found a box,

At the bottom of a well.

I brought it to my mom,

She said that I could keep it,

So I started this diary to keep track of what's in the box.

Something is watching me while I work on it…

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