Chapter 9

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~Zayn's P.O.V~

I sigh as Ashley runs out. I should've remembered she didn't want this.. I'm so stupid. I lay back on the couch "I'm such an idiot" I whisper to myself. After a while passes Ashley comes back and I shoot up "Ashley, I'm so sorry. I-I just.. It's just you look so pretty and I couldn't help it" I sigh "It's fine, Zayn" Ashley smiled "Ok" I say still unsure and sorry "Zayn. Really. It's fine" Ashley said and sat beside me "I could've at LEAST asked you if you were ready for that" I sigh. Silence filled the room. Ashley took a deep breath and looked at me "What if I'm ready now?" She said looking me in the eyes "Y-you sure? I mean I don't want to pressure you or anything.." I say Ashley smiled "I'm defiantly sure" "Ok.." I say. I slowly lean in and close my eyes and Ashley does to. Our lips touch and it feels like fireworks going off. I put a hand on Ashley's side and we stay there for a couple seconds then we pull back "Wow" I smile Ashley smiled back at me. "Amazayn" she winked I laugh a bit "Ashsome. Or something... I'll think of one later" Ashley laughed. We keep talking for a couple minutes. We join the others and watch TV. Louis sat beside Ashley on the floor. They both like the floor apperently. I check on them from time to time I notice Niall and Nova whispering to each other and giggling. Then things got serious "LIAM WHAT?!" Nova asked "Liam likes you" Niall said "Niall! Why would you tell her that?!" Liam asked "You like her. She deserves to know" Niall said "No! It could be a SECRET! Ever hear about that?!" Liam asked "Guys! Calm down!" Louis said "Liam is only human! He gets emotions. He likes girls. He can't help it!" "Sorta like you can't with Ashley" I mutter "Yea. Exac--wait! No!" Louis said "Louis, I know u like me. It's ok" Ashley said "Zayn! You told her?!" Louis looked at me "She needs to know" I shrug "What has this world come to?!" Louis groaned Ashley's phone rang. "Hello?" She answered. "Oh no.. Ok.. I'm on my way" she hung up "Work?" Haley asked "The Panda Bear is giving birth to her cubs a week early" Ashley said "You deliver Panda Bear cubs?" Louis asked "Yes. Tease me about it later. I have to go" Ashley stood up and went for the door "Name the cutest cub after me!" Nova called "Sure thing" Ashley said and ran out the door and closed it "What is her job?" Liam asked "Wildlife Search, Rescue, and Care. Nova and I are Vets in the same building" Haley said "Ohh" Liam said "I'm hungry" Nova said "Me to" Niall said "Lunch?" Nova asked "Lunch" Niall nodded and stood up and pulled Nova up. They go to the kitchen and make lunch. Eventually everyone else does. I do to. We all eat and watch TV About 10 minutes later Nova gets a text and reads it "Aww! It's the baby Pandas!" Nova smiled "Lemme see!" Haley smiled. Nova showed her "Aww! They're adorable!" "The left one is named Nova and the right one is named Haley!" Nova smiled "I wanna see the Pandas!" Louis looked at Nova's phone. Soon we all are gathering around and we all 'Aw'. I admit, they were pretty cute 'Oh. Here's the smallest one. A boy. I called him Zayn XD' Ashley texted a picture of a small baby Panda "Hey Zayn. You're a Panda!" Nova said "Yea. It's cute" I smile Nova puts her phone away and we all watch TV for a while. Soon it's time for the girls to go. They say their goodbyes and Harry kisses Haley and Niall kisses Nova and ya da ya da ya da. They leave and the boys and I get ready for bed then go to sleep

~Niall's P.O.V~

*DREAM* I awake and look around. It looks like Florida... Yepp. I'm apperently on a beach towel. I sit up and see Nova in the ocean with... Liam...? Yea. Liam. They look like they're laughing and having a good time. I smile and watch. Then Liam unexpectedly KISSED Nova. I jump up and go over to them "WHAT ARE YOU DOING?!" I yell at Liam pulling him away from Nova "What did it look like? Do you need your eyes checked?" Liam asked "No! I saw you kiss Nova!" I say "Exactly" Liam said "and she kissed back" "Wh-what?" I ask feeling hurt "That's right. We're done. Liam is the right guy for me" Nova went beside Liam and put an arm around him "Wh-wh-" I stutter as tears were brimming my eyes "You heard me. We're. Through" Nova said I fall backwards into the water and can't get up. Liam has a foot on my chest and.... *END OF DREAM* I shoot up. I'm sweating.. Was that all a dream?! I hope it was. It's not real. It's not real. I keep telling myself that. After a while I fall back asleep. I don't have the same dream thank god

~Ashley's P.O.V~

I go home exhausted after caring for the baby Pandas. Thank god I can just go home and relax. I open the door and go inside. I decide to crash on the couch since I'm to tired to do stairs. A couple seconds after my head hits the pillow I'm out like a light...


Authors Note:



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