Chapter 10/Authors Note

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So, I've decided to delete this story. I was 11 or 12 when I wrote it and I find its not my best work. I've deleted part one of this already and I am about to delete it all. I am 14 now and find it in my best interest to delete this story and move into more serious writing. I know, I know. It's been 2 years since I said Chapter Ten would come out but I just never found the time to publish it. This story won't be gone forever because I have another copy saved in my gallery of stories. I might publish it one day, I might not. Who knows? But this isn't the last of Hello Beautiful. I might take the title and do another Harry imagine with it. I might not. I might do someone else. But you'll see Hello Beautiful once again, I can guarantee it. So, without further interuptions, the long awaited Tenth Chapter of Hello Beautiful. I'll wrap up the series in one last story part then that'll be it. Please sit back and enjoy the story :) x



~Haley's P.O.V~

I wake up and stretch and check the time. 9:13. I plop back down and groan. After a few minutes I get up, get dressed in casual clothes, brush my hair, curl it, brush my teeth, and put on a tiny amount of make up. Nothing to fancy. Just a bit of brown eyeshadow, some mascara, and a bit of foundation. I like to wear natural make up. And not that much. I don't like the purples and pinks and bright colours. I go more natural. It's a better look on me. I finish up and head downstairs. Ash is crashing on the couch. Nothing out of the ordinary there. I get the blanket off the back of the couch and put it over Ash and make PopTarts for breakfast. I sit in a chair and eat them wait for someone else to wake up. Another hour passes Nova comes downstairs

"Ash is sleeping. Shh" I say to her

Nova goes over to Ash "WAKE UP NOW!" She yells

"Nova!" I say as Ash jerks awake

"I'm up don't shoot!" Ash said sleepily and puts her hands in the air. There was silence for a second then Nova and I burst out laughing

"What on EARTH were you dreaming about?" I laugh

"Wha-?" Ash asked sounding drunk

"Your DREAM. What was your DREAM about?" I laugh

"I dunno" Ash shrugged

I stop laughing sort of "Ok then"

Ash sits up fully and Nova sits beside her and turns the TV on. We watch for a while as Nova gets her breakfast and eats. Ash doesn't eat as she isn't hungry because she had a big supper

~Ashley's P.O.V~

Ok. I didn't have a big supper. Actually, I didn't eat anything yesterday. I'm just not hungry. I don't know why though... Oh well

Nova's phone rang "Hello? Hi Nialler.. Yea we can come over... Yepp... Ok. Bye bye" she hung up "we can go over to the boys' house whenever. They want to go to the movies and invited us"

"Ok. Lets go" I say

"Get dressed first and brush your hair first at least" Haley said

"Ugh. Fine" I say. I go to the washroom and brush my hair and teeth then get dressed and put my hair in a messy bun. I come out "Lets go" I say

We all head to the boys' house. We walk up and knock on the door. Zayn answered "Hello?"

"Hi" Haley smiled

"Hey girls. Come in" Zayn smiled and let us in

"Thanks" Haley smiled. Her and Nova walk in and Zayn cam out and closed the door. I look at him curiously

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