Chapter 6

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~Ashley's P.O.V~

It's time to go to bed now. Nova, Haley, and I got a day off of work because we were working so well. We decided that we would go see the boys tomorrow. I get to see the man I love that will never love me back. Greaaaaaaaat. You still dont get it? -sigh- Note the sarcasm..

~Harry's P.O.V~

"Haley just called. The girls are coming over tomorrow" I smile

Zayn smiled wide. I could tell he was thinking about Ash and how he would ask her out. Maybe even if he would kiss her or not. Yes. I can read Zayn's eyes just like that. I still need to tell him Ash is afraid of falling in love... Crap

~Louis' P.O.V~

Well I get to see Ash.... Making goo goo eyes with Zayn. Sigh. I love her. I want her for myself. I know I know. Zayn likes her but I can't help myself. Once again, sigh

~Liam's P.O.V~

Novaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!!! Wait she's with Niall... CRAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAP!!

~Harry's P.O.V~

Niall smiled dreamily. He was mentally making out with Nova. Then Louis had some expression... Love? Sorrow? Oh no... Love for Ash and sorrow that Zayn is going to have her! Ohhhhhh no

Liam has the same expression, only for Nova.... I swear if anyone starts to like Haley I will ring they're necks!

(This is why there's no love triangle there!)

"Umm. Lou. Could you come with me into the spare room for a second?" I ask

"Yea" Louis said. He got up and followed me into the spare room. I closed the door

"You like Ashley?" I ask. More of a statement than a question

"Wh-whaaaaat? No. I mean she is cute and funny and smart but.." Louis trailed off

"I wont tell Zayn if you do. You can tell me" I say

Louis hesitated but nodded his head "I love Ash ok? There I said it" he said

The door opened and louis held a breath hoping it wasn't Zayn. I'm pretty good at this. I should've been a mind reader! Nahhh. It's only cuz I'm around them a lot. But to Louis' luck it was Liam

"Louis... You like Ashley?" Liam ask closing the door

Louis nodded "But you like Nova"

Liam nodded

I sigh "Guys. Nova's taken and Zayn is going to ask Ash out the second he sees her"

Lou hang his head. Liam sighed. We went out of the room to see Niall there

"Hey Niall" Louis said

"Hi. What were you guys talking about?" Niall asked

"Same old same old" Liam lied shrugging

"Ohh. Well there's Nandos in there so mooooove!" Niall pushed through us into the spare room and closed and locked the door

"........... Ok then....." I say

Louis went back to the main room and sat beside Zayn. They were talking about how Zayn could ask Ashley out

"Oh! Before I keep forgetting. Ash may or may not go out with you because she's scared of falling in love" I say to Zayn

Hope drops from his face and he looks down

"Aw. Don't worry Zayn. She will go out with you. If I were a girl and you asked me out I would be considered the luckiest girl in the world" Louis smiled trying to bring Zayn's hopes up

"Thanks Lou" Zayn said. He was still looking down

"Ok guys. Time to go to bed. The girls will be here at 10am" I say

Niall stopped eating his food and went to bed

"... That's a first.." Louis said

"... Is Zayn gonna stop looking in mirrors every 5 minutes now?" I say

Zayn grabbed a mirror "Nope. Night" Zayn went to bed with the mirror.... I think he's pretending it's Ashley

Louis slept on the couch and Liam slept on the other one. They were to tired to move. I decided I would sleep on the LazyBoy recliner chair. Eventually we all fall asleep


~Ashley's P.O.V~

I wake up and check the time 8am. I have a lot of time to get ready. I notice the girls are already awake and are eating breakfast. I take a quick shower get dressed blow dry my hair and put on some eyeshadow then join them

"Hey girls" I say

"Hey Ash" Nova smiled

"Hi Bubbles" Haley smiled

Haley calls me Bubbles. Hee hee :3

"Hi Cookie" I call her Cookie

"You ready to see Zayn?" Haley asked smiling

"Uhh... Be right back" I go upstairs and I fix my hair and I put on more makeup like lipstick and cover up. I don't want to look like a hobo with bad acne when I see Zayn. I come back downstairs. It's 9:50am. I don't have time to eat

"C'mon girls. Let's go" I say

"You have to eat breakfast Ash" Haley said

"No time. I'll get a big lunch ok?" I say

"Fine" Haley said

We go outside and pile into Haley's car. We drive to Harry's and the boys house and knock on the door. It opens immediately

"Hello Love" Harry smiled at Haley

"Hey Haz" Haley smiled

"Come in" Harry gestured towards the couch. We come in and Niall jumps out at Nova making her scream. Niall started laughing

"Niall!" Nova said. She was still trying to get her breath

"S-sorry" Niall said still laughing "I love youu" He hugged her

"Love you to Nialler" Nova hugged back. We all sat on the couch. There wasnt enough room on the one couch so now I'm a loner on the other one..

Before I know it I'm watching Niall and Nova kissing. Soon Harry and Haley started kissing. I leave and go into another room. The spare room I think. I see Zayn there

"Oh. Sorry" I say I turn to leave but Zayn pulls me back and closes and locks the door "Wh-what are you doing?" I ask

"I --uhh-- wanted to ask you something" Zayn said scratching the back of his head

"Ok" I say

"I was wondering if maybe you would like to maybe go out sometime...?" Zayn asked looking nervous

Oh god... I don't really know how to answer... I've never had to answer this question before.. Errrr... Someone help me? Do I or don't I?

"I-if you don't want to thats fine! I'm not pressuring you or anything.." Zayn said

I look up at him "I..."

Zayn looked at me with those beautiful brown eyes of his



Authors Note:

Cliff hanger. What shall Ashley say? Hmm? Only people who know me will know what I say XD @niallsbestpotato don't spoil it for everyone else

My friend Haley and I call eachother by nicknames

Me= Bubbles

Her= Cookie

She deleted her KIK and now I can't talk to her 

It's a sad sad life. But I have Nova so it's ok XD

I still miss Haley though...

~Ashley. De.

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