1968- Present Day

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I stand frozen in a block of solid ice with Herb and see Bob. I want to strangle the weird yellow looking creature right now, but am unable to with the certain circumstances. He has that blasted teddy bear, and a crown! A crown that isn't as grand as the queen's, who's was just ripped from my hand by a brat, that despicable brat, grrrr. He comes over to me and is just in reach when he holds out the crown to me. I can't believe it. He says something I don't understand and shakes it a little in his small cartoon-like hand. I have an arm out of the ice, so I am able to reach it.

"For me? Aww," I say, despite hating the minions with all my heart, Bob was always the least unbearable. The crown slips onto my long and slender fingers and I grip it tightly. Bob hops off to catch up with the other minions, who are chasing the brat who stole my beloved crown. I look down at the little golden one and tighten my grip on it. Finally. I have my crown now, though it is not the one I would have preferred, it's still a crown. I wish I could put it on top of my head where it belongs, but it's incased it ice!

"Ugh!" I cry out in anger, and in doing so, drop the little crown.

"No!" I cry out again, but this time it's more of a pitiful one. I claw for it as it rolls away, but am unable to do much good for myself.

"Get me out of here!" I shout and look around for the police officers, hoping they will just take me away, but not before they get me out of the ice. I hate having no control.

How did it ever come to this? Power hungry and married to a somewhat imbecile of a husband (I love him anyways)? I'll tell you the story, the story of my past and the hardships I faced that made me what I am today.

Evil's Beginning~ Scarlet OverkillWhere stories live. Discover now