Drunk but truthful

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The car ride was going silently,as you didn't speak,too lost in your thoughts and anger,while Katsumi didn't speak afraid to annoy you further.

It wasn't very common for you to be quiet during car rides,you always either sang along with whatever music the radio was playing,or tried to make conversation since you hated to be quiet.

Once Katsumi stopped at a red traffic light,you sighed a little and decided to just let it go,as you couldn't stay angry any longer.Besides,it wasn't Katsumi's fault,and you knew you were making him nervous with your bad mood.

"So,how do you feel about tomorrow?",you finally spoke trying to start a conversation,and Katsumi was more than happy that you finally spoke to him.He hummed for a few moments,before answering,while at the same time driving forward as the traffic light finally turned green.

"I'm feeling a mix of nervousness and excitement at the same time.On one hand we are kind of going to a small trip to Greece,and on the other hand we are going to chase and try to capture curses.Do you get me?"

"You're absolutely right,I feel the same way...But hey!,what's life without a little trouble?",you smirked and he laughed.

"Right!Wellll,now that you finished with your examination and everything turned out fine,what are you planning to do?"

"Huh?What do you mean?"

"I mean,won't you do anything with your free time before we travel to Greece?It's your last chance to do so", Katsumi said looking at the way forward,while you thought about it.

"I don't know,I don't plan on doing anything special..Maybe pack my suitcases,that's all",you shrugged.

"I thought Alfred was going to do that for you",he raised an eyebrow in confusion.

"Oh...,yeah..About that...I kind of.... Forced him and all my other servants to go for vacation!"


"Yeah!,they wouldn't get out of the house and I just couldn't see them spend all of their summer at home,sooooo....I booked them all a vacation for Hawaiiiii!"

"Hawaii?!Wow!,that sounds awesome!I'm sure they must be very happy!",Katsumi smiled and you akwardly nodded,knowing that Alfred didn't like the idea of going for vacation,and letting you stay all alone.You got a big scolding from him through the phone!

"Now that I'm thinking about it, packing my luggage doesn't sound half bad!Besides now I'll be completely home alone and I might aswell do whatever I want!"

"That sounds like fun!"

"Well what about you?What are you going to do with your free time before our journey?",you asked with a smile.

"Oh I'm um....Going to go out and have fun...You know... drinking and stuff..."

"Drinking?Like alcohol?"

"Yeah..., something like that...", Katsumi nodded akwardly,avoiding to look at you.

"But I remember that you avoided drinking,how come you want to drink now?"

"Well I don't want to do it exactly,my old man told me to come along with him,as tonight him and some Shin Shin Kai students are going to celebrate for the begining of our mission,and you know how that'll be.So..."

"Oh...,I see..Well that's fine!,but make sure not to drink a lot arlight?Don't get drunk!"

"Haha!,ofcourse not!I won't get drunk,don't worry", Katsumi laughed and you laughed along,but in your thoughts you knew you had overreacted,because of your bad experiences after getting drunk and you just didn't want them to happen to Katsumi.

Book 5! Reader X Baki Characters            ~The Bottle Of Curse~   Where stories live. Discover now