Prepare for battle!

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The storm was over,but the rain remained.It hit the windows relentlessly,but it did so more of gently,creating a calm melody as you and Yujiro soaked in the bathroom's bathtub after he cleansed you well.

He had his arms wrapped around you from behind,while you had your knees brought close to your face,enjoying the moment of peace between you two after your none stop love making.You felt happy,like the happiest girl of them all.You felt loved,safe while so close to him.He had told you that he loved you,and he meant it.That was enough for you.

Your eyelids were half closed,as you felt yourself slowly drifting off to sleep.You didn't mind sleeping in the water,as long as you were with him.However,suddenly.Something made your eyes fly open,a realization.A reminder.


"Y/n what's wrong?", Yujiro's eyebrows frowned in concern seeing you get up from him and crawl yourself into a ball,looking at him with fear in your eyes from the other side of the tub.You were shaking,and when he tried to reach out for you,you winced.


"What's wrong?,what happened?"

"You will be the end of each other"

"Ahh!",you closed your ears,hearing that same sentence from that same voice over and over,ringing in your ears.You were shaking and squirming in the water in fear, and Yujiro wasn't sure of what was up with you.

He reached out and took your hand,gently guiding it towards him,before doing the same with your other hand.He positioned you on him so that you were laying on top of him,and caressed your back soothingly, trying to calm you down from whatever had scared you.

Your eyes were wide open as you rested your head on his chest,your heart was beating fast.It was only now that you remembered the woman's words and you panicked worrying of what they meant.Yujiro however had completely forgotten about them,and he didn't know what was going on with you.

"What happened to you?Tell me",he asked demanding an answer,running his fingers through your wet hair gently,his touch managing to calm you down but not completely.

"I-I can't be with you...!",you tried to push yourself away from him but he held you down.

"And why is that?Don't you want to?"

"N-no..,it's not that..We just can't be together...S-she said that we will be the end of each other..I can't..Be with you..!",you hit his chest with a weak fist,and Yujiro finally understood what had scared you so much.Hearing your words,he immediately remembered what the woman had said back then.He had forgotten about her words,since he didn't believe her in the first place.

"Don't tell me you believe that nonsense of her's",he chuckled,and you nodded slightly while sniffling from time to time."Don't worry,she was just trying to scare you.What she said wasn't true.Besides,can't you see it yourself?With me around,neither her or the curses can do anything to you.Thats why she said those words,to get us to separate",he said calmly,and you slowly started to feel better as his reassuring words made sence.

"I want to protect you.I would never cause harm on you.Never again.I won't hurt you ever,I promise",he whispered and wrapped his arms around you,keeping you close to him.You wrapped your arms around his waist aswell,and nuzzled your head on his chest as you closed your eyes,relaxing against him feeling safe again.He pressed a tender kiss on your forehead,before closing his eyes aswell.

Book 5! Reader X Baki Characters            ~The Bottle Of Curse~   Where stories live. Discover now