Hidden Pleasure

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Taehyung slumps on the bed after the tiring day. His body is paining a little bit, but it is nothing compared to the headache he is feeling right now. He should've toned down his activities a little bit, considering how he worked hard during his album promotion. He is also preparing for his military service, so his mental pressure is also on a high level right now.

When he got to know that jungkook and jimin were going to jeju for their travel show, he couldn't ignore it anymore. He was so busy with his album promotion that he couldn't spend much time with jungkook, leaving both of them longing for one another. Soon, jungkook will start his own album promotion so they won't get time much time too.

Now, this is a perfect opportunity to spend time with jungkook and also with jimin, his soul mate.

He knows he doesn't get to be too close to jungkook on camera, but it's fine. It's been years since they have been doing it, hiding their love behind the camera. It doesn't affect them anymore. They are too secure about each other that they don't need to show their love to anyone else other than themselves.

He has been too excited to be in jeju that he forgot the exhaustion of his body. All the moving, swimming for hours didn't help his body to relax at all and now he is suffering.

All he wants is now to snuggle into jungkook

But it's not possible, not yet, at least.

With disappointment rushing to his heart, he closes his eyes and falls in sleep.

Jungkook keeps his eyes on taehyung while filming with jimin. After coming back to their rented villa, he hasn't gotten the time to talk to taehyung properly. The staff have said the elder is not feeling that great. He felt coldness rushing in his body when he heard that.

He doesn't like it when his dorky taehyung becomes silent because of being unwell. He loves him when he smiles the widest, jumps in happiness. That's what suits him the most.

He finishes filming a few clips in the swimming pool and then calls it a night. He and jimin go to the second bed in the room lying down together. He contemplates if he should cheek on taehyung, but he knows the management won't like him to show concern like this to a band member. Even in the pool, he was too distracted, always looking for taehyung.

He stays on the bed until jimin falls asleep. He looks over to see if taehyung is sound asleep or not. When he finds him asleep peacefully, he feels the urge to just go to him and kiss him, just like he does every night he spends with him before going to sleep.

But the camera crew is still filming. He needs to wait a little more.

He goes to the made-up bed close to the glass wall and lies down.

He waits for the camera crew to turn off the cameras. His eyes are dropping close, but he needs at least to feel taehyung for once. If he doesn't do it, even though he is tired, he is not gonna get any sleep.

Fortunately, the cameras are turned off soon. He slowly gets off the bed, careful not to make any noise that can wake both taehyung and jimin and walks to his sweet lover. He kneels beside the bed and runs his hand through taehyung's silky hair before checking his temperature. When he finds it normal, he sighs in relief.

He nuzzles his nose with taehyung's and whispers,

" Why are you not feeling well? I wish I could make you feel better now."

He sighs again, saying that. Even though they have passed the phase of unbearable need to announce their love to the world, a few times still come when they wish others knew about their love and they could interact with each other like a normal couple.

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