Family History

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For Penny, the best thing about online classes was wearing her comfortable silk pajama bottoms and cozy slippers, as long as she ensured her top was suitable for the Zoom calls. This would be the only aspect she would miss once they were back in person for school.

"So, dating back to the late 19th century and continuing into the 20th century, the concept of the United States becoming a melting pot emerged as immigrants from all corners of the world flocked over to pursue the American Dream, bringing their traditions. Many of our great-grandparents, including mine, migrated from their home countries for a better life."

She felt tempted to disconnect from the session and pretend that her internet had gone out as Mr. Bloom continued his lecture. It's not that she hated history, but it was all too factual for her liking. She preferred English Literature, where their readings had more room for critical thinking. There are so many different interpretations, with no right or wrong answers.

"Am I boring you, Penelope?"

Penny blinked her eyes, taking her a minute to process. If her full name was being used, he must have been trying to call on her while lost in her thoughts.

She quickly unmuted her microphone. "Sorry, Mr. Bloom. I was thinking about something else."

It was better not to try and talk her way out of it; Mr. Bloom had a talent for smelling when someone wanted to B.S. him.

"Get your head out of the clouds; this material will be on the final exam before Christmas Break and the completion of your family history project."

Penny quickly put her mic back on mute, but she noticed her friend and teammate Asia failing miserably to hide her laughter.

"I know some of you question why it is so important to know about your family history since you're here now in the present."

She couldn't help but smirk, knowing he was throwing that shade in her direction.

"But knowing our ancestors' hardships helps us understand the challenges they face and how they overcame adversity. And knowing our cultural background gives us a greater understanding of who we are."

Penny crossed her arms; she didn't believe that her family history determined who she was. She knows exactly who she is, no matter where her ancestors came from. She would always be Penelope Jane Simmons.

After her classes, she texted Kim and Asia, suggesting they meet at Asia's place. Her mother was still cautious about having visitors due to concerns about a new variant of the virus being reported in the news, especially since Kim's grandmother was unwell. Asia's parents were more relaxed about COVID, so meeting at her house seemed the best option.

Penny gazed at herself in the mirror. She wore a simple white turtleneck, jeans, and her favorite Ugg boots. Apart from the holidays, she loved the colder weather because she adored all the winter outfits she could mix and match. Satisfied with her appearance, she put on her beanie and coat, then headed downstairs.

Just as she locked the door behind her, she saw her father's car pulling into the garage.

"Where are you off to, Penny?" her dad asked as he exited his car and opened the trunk.

"I'm heading to Asia's place for a while to work on that family history project for class."

He grabbed a box from the trunk and turned towards "Can you do your old man a favor and put that on the shelf with the other boxes."

"More lights for the house?" she asked, as the lights from last year had burned out after nearly a decade of use.

"No, I'm renovating my office, and believe it or not, some of those pictures in there I have had there for many years," he said, closing the trunk.

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