Meeting the Myers Part 2

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Kate decided to go upstairs and check on the kids before changing and deciding what to make for dinner.

Michael and Mason's voices echoed from inside their closed bedroom. She usually knocked before entering but doubted they would even hear over the headsets they were likely wearing.

When she opened the door, she was unsurprised to see them in their gaming chairs, yelling at each other as they passed the controller back and forth. For their 13th birthday this past September, they received a game called Fortnite and have been obsessed ever since.

"Boys," she said loudly, giving them a chance before taking the controller.

She even waited for a minute to see if they would notice her presence. When they didn't, she stepped in and grabbed the controller out of their hands. That got their attention, as they now looked at her like she had just committed the worst crime in history.



She crosses her arms. "How were your classes? Did you two stay online today."

At the beginning of online school, Kate and Stephen let the kids handle the online stuff without constantly checking in because they were old enough to work their computers and manage their studies.

However, Michael and Mason recently proved they needed it when they would only show up for some classes rather than others in favor of their video games.

"Yeah, Dad made us do It downstairs while he was in the living room on his computer," Mason said, not attempting to hide his agitation.

Michael just nodded. "Wouldn't let us go upstairs unless it was lunch or a bathroom break. He did not make Naomi or Nathan do it, just us."

"Your brother and sister know how to manage their time, especially when doing everything online."

She gently tossed the controller back to the boys. "Remember our deal: if your grades fall below a C, we will take away your Xbox. Just because you guys are doing virtual learning doesn't mean you can skip classes whenever you want. That's why we offered you the choice of no Xbox, or you can do your virtual learning downstairs where one of us can be nearby."

Their only response was to mumble as they attempted to return to their game.

Kate slightly regretted buying the game console for the boys in the first place. However, due to the pandemic and the cancellation of their summer activities, she felt terrible that they couldn't interact with their friends in person and could only do so online.

As soon as she left their room, she saw her oldest son, Nathan, come out of his room.

"Hey, Mom, how was work?"

"It was work; how were your classes?" she asked, wanting to get off the subject of work.

"Fine, I got a student council meeting starting soon, so I'm going to grab a snack and a drink before it starts."

Kate was happy that Nate wasn't negatively impacted by COVID, which forced him into virtual learning. He was nominated by his class last year as student council vice president, and as such, he was always busy in and outside of school.

"I'm going to check in on your sister and probably get ready to start making dinner soon. I am thinking of Pork chops and some stuffing tonight."

Nate looked at her as if she had lost her mind. "Good luck with that. She's been in a mood all day. I think she's still upset about the other day, or it's that time of the month with how irritable she's been."

Nate headed downstairs, sighing as she glanced at her daughter's room. She had hoped Naomi would have calmed down by now, but sometimes Kate forgets how much of her stubbornness she inherited.

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