Saving Diego

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"Well, would you look at that", Manny said as the group made their way out of the caves. "The tiger actually did it. There's Half Peak. Next stop: Glacier Pass."

Frida looked at Diego and smiled. Looked like he really was keeping his work on taking them to Glacier Pass instead of his pack. She was very happy with him, but also feeling sad. Once she returned to the humans, there was no guarantee that she would see him again. Frida was starting to like Diego and it was going to be sad for her to leave right at the point when they were becoming friends.

"My feet are sweaty", Sid said.

"Do we have to get a newsflash every time your body does something?" Diego asked.

"He's doing it for attention", Manny said. "Just ignore him."

"Seriously!" Sid said. "My feet are really hot!"

The other three tried to ignore him. What they couldn't ignore was the loud rumbling that sounded awfully close. Manny looked at Frida and Diego nervously.

"Tell me that was your stomach", he nervously said.

"Shh!" Diego said trying to listen.

"I'm sure it was just thunder", Sid shrugged. "From under... ground?"

Everyone jumped as they heard a loud explosion behind them. They looked up to see a column of fire and steam burst up from the ice. They were standing on top of an active volcano.

"Run!" they all screamed.

The four of them ran across the ice trying to get to safety. The ice fell apart as fire and steam burst through, leaving a narrow bridge, surrounded by lava. Diego stopped as the bridge began breaking apart, leaving a gap between him and the group.

"Diego!" Frida gasped.

She watched as Diego nervously looked at the gap, then back to her. Her ear twitched as she looked to see Sid running in place across the ice.

"Guys, keep up with me!"

"I would if you were moving!" Manny yelled.

Frida shook her head and turned back to see Diego jump across the gap, landing safely next to her.

"Wow, I wish I could jump like that", Sid said.

"Wish granted", Manny said as he swung his leg, kicking Sid across the ice to safety. "Frida, you next."

She looked at Diego and turned back to Manny, looking at him apologetically. Frida sprung her claws out, climbing over Manny's back to get to safe ground on the other side. Those two were out of the way and safe, but Manny and Diego were still on the bridge. Manny was not going any faster than Sid was.

"Come on, move faster!" Diego said.

"Have you noticed the rive of lava?" Manny yelled.

Frida and Sid watched as Manny jumped over thin ice just before steam and fire burst though, making another gap in the bridge. Diego used all his strength to jump over the gap. He nearly made it, but caught onto the edge, quickly slipping.

"Diego!" Frida yelled running to help him.

Manny turned back and saw what she was doing. He handed the baby to Sid and went back to also help Diego.

"Diego", Frida said. "Come on, give me your paw."

He looked at her afraid as he tried to climb up the ice. Frida reached her paw out trying to reach him. He looked at her and reached his paw out to her. Just as their paws touched, the ice beneath them broke, sending the both of them falling until Manny wrapped his trunk around Frida.

"Diego, hold on!" Frida said as her claws dug into his paw, trying to keep ahold of him.

Diego looked at Frida and Manny afraid. They were so close to death. Manny heard the ice beginning to crack beneath their weight. He swung his trunk, throwing Diego and Frida to safety. Manny turned around to get off the ice, but it cracked even more, finally breaking, sending him to the lava below.

"Manny!" Sid yelled.

Frida and Diego gasped looking at the edge of the bridge with regret. They were surprised when a column of steam burst up, bringing Manny still on the ice, up into the air. Manny came crashing down.

"Manny, Manny, Manny, you okay?" Sid asked running to him. "Come on, say something. Anything!"

Manny grunted trying to say something.

"What? What? I can't hear you."

"You're standing on my trunk."

"Oh", Sid said pulling his foot up. "Oh, you're okay!"

"Why did you do that?" Diego asked looking at Frida and Manny. "You could've died trying to save me."

"That's what you do in a herd", Manny answered. "You look out for each other."

"Not only that", Frida said putting her paw over his. "It's what you do for a friend."

"Well...thanks", Diego said smiling shyly at her.

"I don't know about you guys, but we are the weirdest herd I've ever seen", Sid said.

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