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Jimin signed, he again came close to jimin and whispered something in jimin's ear " Belated happy anniversary my love.", and kissed on Jimin's nape. And then jungkook left...

Next day.........

"Knock knock.",

"yes.", jimin said and the door opened revealing a guard " Mrs.jeon sir is waiting for you downstairs", jimin nodded with a heavy heart, he walked further behind the guard, last night jimin just slept less than one hour.

He were walking very slowly slowly "WALK FAST JIMIN.", jungkook shouted out of nowhere everybody looked at him and then jimin. It's too embarrassing, jimin increased his speed and reached to him jimin didn't find jungmin there jimin looked more at his surroundings no clue. "Let's go now", jungkook commanded while looking at his figure, he grabbed jimin's wrist again, jimin gasped. "jungmin.", jimin said while shuttering.

" He is in the car.", he replied while dragging jimin outside, relief.

After two hours:

The gate opened by two guards, jimin looked outside of the window and the car moved Inside.

"nothing changed", jimin thought "wow garden is big eomma", jungmin said in a excitement voice, " it's all yours my son", jungkook said while picking him in his arms, jungmin is no more uncomfortable with him, jungmin giggled with him, jimin can't define how precious this is for him.

The car stopped in front of the mansion, the guards opened his door and he went out with jungmin and looked at jimin with a cold gaze. jimin gulped a hard lump, and took one step out of the car, and then another......

Entering inside the house following jungkook while jungmin is in his arms. "Appa your house is beautiful." Jungmin said making jungkook eyes got wide, he said appa for the first time, "Say it again baby."  he looked at him with his innocent eyes and said.
" Appa your House is beautiful. ", jungkook felt like happiness showered over him. But soon he realized that jimin is watching them,

He cleared his throat and said, "ms lily. !!!", while gaining jimin's whole attention, lily came out from the kitchen towards them, "yes Mr. Jeon.", she looked at jimin with Little happy. "Take jungmin in his room." he commanded her, she nodded and tock jungmin with her. It's very first time that jungmin is away from jimin this long. " follow me.", jungkook said to jimin coldly jimin nodded and then he followed him, he went inside his large  study room.

Jimin stopped at the doorstep, jimin's heart is beating so fast this man is making him so scared, he can't even run away from here or the consequences will be more worse, his kid is stuck but HK he wouldn't do anything with him he loves him the most in this world no doubt. But what about jimin, what is gonna happen to him. let's get back to the story.

"Come inside", he again said little stemly sweats started to form on his head jimin took one more step and the door closed making him flinched, but who closed the door, jungkook took of his coat the lights were dim inside the room, he was in a white shirt "So tell me the exact reason why did you ran away.", he said while grabbing a gun in his hand and a white cloth, JIMIN know that jungkook always have a gun with him. But never showed him but today.

"Hm?", and he started to clean the gun with that cloth, jimin's hands started to shiver lips were trembling in fear, "tell me Sweetheart." He said while shifting his cold gaze on jimin, jimin took a long breath and spoke out in one go, " i..i was stuck here in this cage, you caged me inside this mansion jungkook." he greeted his teeths and said "So is this a reason that you ran away from your husband and take my child away from me, IS THIS YOUR REASON", jimin flinched again he threw his gun on the table and pinned jimin against the door.

" You don't deserve us you are monster I know everything about you. You.....you are a mafia king. You kill innosent people for your money." Jimin shouted in fear and jungkook's eyes widen.

"For fucking sake I leave my mafia work only for you. And I never kill any innosent people. I always help them that why I join mafia but for you and my son for our son I leave everything. EVERYTHING." jungkook said while sad voice but also in anger. Jimin shocked he believes in jungkook's words because jungkook have teary eyes. And jungkook is not easy to get emotional.

" i missed my child first walk i missed to hear his first word from his mouth, and you were feeling happy right. even after I don't know you i still married with you and i..i love you and always will you are in my heart but this is what I get in return, it's just you  jimin.  your hyung he is living his  peaceful life with my hyung and you can't whyy ?? Tell me why", jimin is not saying a word.

" I think you never believe on me you have not think about to ask me is this is true or not but you believe in someone jimin not in your husband." he said everything on Jimin's face making jimin hate himself. "I was selfish, i separated a son from his father, i am selfish" jimin feeling difficult to breathe.

"I..I... sorry -", and then black spots occurred in jimin's sight and he fainted. The last thing he saw was jungkook calling his name " jimin baby, baby open your eyes." Jungkook worried for jimin he is angry on him but he love him more then anything.

Then he picked jimin in bridal style and walk outside the room towerd their bedroom. Jungkook opened the door and walk inside in the room and put jimin on bed carefully and covered him with sheet. Jungkook looked at him and kissed him on head but after he suddenly he back away from him.

Jungkook looking at jimin and suddenly the door of bedroom opened and jungmin walk inside. Jungkook look at him and then chenge his face and smile softly. " Baby you have not sleep. " Jungkook asked. "I always sleep with my eomma. So I can protect him. Where he is." Jungmin asked seriously but looking cute. " Oo my big boy you don't have to protect your eomma I will protect him more safely them you. And he have sleep already." Jungkook said and jungmin looking at jimin who is sleeping on bed peacefully.

" I Believe you appa eomma always say that to me that I same like you so their is no doubt. But I always sleep with him. " He said and lay beside jimin and hug him but first' he kissed jimin on lips. Jungkook looking at jungmin.

"OMG jungkook he is your and Jimin's son and he can kiss jimin. He is little boy, man don't joules on your own son man." Jungkook thought.

"Come appa sleep with us." Jungmin called him and jungkook smile and join them. And they slept in their Dreamland.

To be continued........

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