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A/N: So normally I do this at the end if I have anything to say, but I just want to warn you, in this chapter someone gets a little rough and there is some foul language. Yes I use swears, but this is more derogatory toward women I think so just be warned and don't read if you feel offended or uncomfortable. Thanks.x 

"Hey! You're home for dinner!" Aubrey exclaimed, hearing Chloe come in the front door. "How'd everything go? She's got the hots for you yeah?" Aubrey pried eager to know what happened with her ginger friend and the midget.

"It was fine and no she doesn't" Chloe grumbled dragging her feet slightly.

"What?? Nah, you're wrong. She loves you." Aubrey teased, elongating the word 'love' like a twelve year old girl.

"No Bree. She likes Jesse." Chloe said a little too harshly.

"C'mon cinnamon bun," Aubrey pulled out the pet name she knew Chloe's parents used, "What would make you think that?"

"Hmm lets see," Chloe's tone started out neutral, though she threw her bag on the ground angrily. "She kissed him at the ICCAs. He stopped by her room and they kissed... sloppily" Chloe was revolted at what she had seen. Jesse was like a dog smothering Beca. "Oh and here's my favorite. He said he had a special date planned for tonight so I'm pretty sure they're gonna fuck." Chloe didn't realize how angry her tone was until she saw Aubrey's expression.

"Oh Chloe!" Aubrey wrapped her arms around her friend knowing how smitten she was.

"It's whatever," Chloe grumbled trying to calm herself down. "It just sucks you know. You like someone so much and you have to act like it's just as a friend." Chloe sulked down into one of the couches. Aubrey sat down next to her rubbing her back.

"Well fuck her," Aubrey even surprised herself with the foul language. "Let go out and have our own special night. We can go to Bobby's club." Chloe hesitated.

"I don't know if I'm for it Bree..." Chloe knew she'd only think of Beca the entire night.

"Who are you and what have you done with my Chloe Beale?" Aubrey teased then took charge. "We're going no option. Let's go make ourselves super cute." Aubrey smiled pulling Chloe up, she groaned, but didn't fight the blond. She tried to focus on the world around her, but Chloe's thoughts kept wandering back to the dwarfish freshman.





2:15 AM: BECAAA there s a boy here

I dont want him like I want uuuuuuu

Beca woke up to texts from a very obviously drunk Chloe and her phone ringing. "Who is it?" Beca grumbled, angry that someone had woken her.

"Uh, hi, my name is Isabelle, I'm calling from Bobby's club..." Bobby's. The same place Chloe had drunkenly texted Beca from. "Look, this chick is really drunk, murmuring 'Beca' and this was one of the favorite numbers..." Beca couldn't help but let a grin loose. Chloe was murmuring her name.

"Uh, yeah, I'll be there." Beca remembered where the club was from when Aubrey and Chloe had snuck in all the Bellas before nationals. Quickly hopping out of bed and heading to her car, Beca tried not to let her head wonder, though it often darted to the worst. The drive was less than five minutes but it felt like an eternity. She had barely reached the sidewalk when she saw her. Chloe stood in a young girl's right arm, as the girl used her left arm to try and beat away a man who seemed not to give up. Beca broke into a run, not looking where she was going, her eyes resting on Chloe. "Chloe," Beca gasped passing the angry male, probably in his thirties and taking Chloe into her arms and sinking to the ground.
"Bloody whore, you can't just pull my slut away." The man yelled. Beca growled, her face breaking though some of Chloe's haze.

"B...B...Beca" Chloe stuttered the name. Beca couldn't see her this way: so vulnerable, so dumb. She shouldn't have separated from Aubrey earlier. The man lunged forward, but as it seemed to Chloe, out of nowhere, a bulky man came in between the three girls and the stranger with a trucker mouth.

"It's okay Chlo, I'm here." Without thinking, Beca kissed the top of Chloe's head; she wouldn't remember it anyway. Beca pulled Chloe and herself off the ground, standing up. "Thank you," Beca smiled, gratefulness filled her eyes as she began to pull Chloe away. Both the bulky man and they young girl who couldn't be old enough to club, Isabelle smiled back at Beca and wished Chloe a safe recovery. It wasn't until Beca got into the car that she saw the red and purple marks starting to appear on Chloe's body. She held back a hiss. If she saw that man again, she would kill him. "Chlo? Where'd Aubrey go?" Beca asked gently, laying the barely conscious redhead in the passenger seat and buckling her in.

"LeftwithaboyIsaidI'dbeokay." Chloe slurred, her eyes fluttering as she tried to stay awake. Since Beca couldn't be sure Aubrey was home, awake or sober enough for this, she decided to take Chloe to her dorm. The whole way back Chloe rambled. She recounted events, but Beca didn't understand much of the mumbles: something about getting over someone and taking shots. As she lugged Chloe out of the car, Beca thanked the lord that her dorm was first floor close to her parking spot. Much to Beca's pleasant surprise, Kimmy Jin wasn't there when Beca turned the door open. She quickly took the senior's shoes off and slipped her into bed. Beca, who hadn't bothered to change into real clothes followed after slipping her own shoes off and wrapped her arms around Chloe. At this point she didn't care about confusion or what had happened before bed, she was just happy Chloe was safe.

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