Just Give Me a Reason

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Chloe should not drink. Chloe should have learned this the first time she got drunk freshman year. She didn't. She got drunk for four years, before she finally realized it. Apparently it took going out on a date with Brad, a dude she didn't give a crap about, and waking up the next morning with Beca, the girl she was seriously crazy about, wrapped in her arms. Chloe vowed there and then that she would not get drunk again, because oh yeah she did stupid crap. Before Chloe could process much, Beca's eyes started to flutter open. Good Morning Beautiful. Chloe thought, but then shut that part down. They couldn't be a couple after Chloe messed up.

"Chlo?" Beca cursed herself; Chloe probably didn't remember the soft conversations they had yesterday.

"God Beca, I'm so sorry..." Chloe hesitated, "What happened?" She asked. Beca laughed, but before she could respond, there was a knock on the door. GOD what was it with knocking in this house the past couple days. If this was going to become a thing, Beca was going to commute. "I'm naked what?" Chloe called, covering Beca's mouth lightly with her hand. Stacie laughed.

"Since when has that stopped you Chlo?" Stacie paused, but didn't enter, "Anyway, you need to get ready for the activities fair." There were whispers outside the room as Beca squirmed free and picked up her bra, slipping it on. "And we need to find Beca..." Stacie added hesitantly, causing Chloe to hold back a giggle.

"Okay, I have an idea of where she is, so" Chloe bit her lip, turning to Beca, who chucked Chloe her bra and some new clothes. Chloe slipped them on, extremely self-conscious. Okay, Beca had seen her naked, but still.

"C'mon, I have to get something new to wear before the activities fair." Beca said, getting up, praying the other Bella's wouldn't comment.

"I can loan you something." Chloe offered, with a sexy red dress in mind.

"No." Beca refused quickly, "You'll put me in a dress!" She pouted, causing Chloe to blush. How did Beca always know what Chloe was thinking?

"Fine." Chloe moped, pushing Beca lightly, in effort to get back into the teasing routine they used to have. Beca smiled, and quickly proceeded to her own room.

When they met back up in the living room, with slight questioning from the rest of the Bella's, Beca was wearing a tight black tank and formfitting black jeans. Chloe changed into the dress she had been thinking about for Beca. Beca wasn't so crazy about the attractive dress, nor was Chloe too thrilled about the highlighting of Beca's body. They weren't supposed to be thinking of each other like that. Beca didn't see why more than one Bella needed to be there. They only needed one replacement, and she assumed they could just hijack one of the other group's recruits. After all, they had won the ICCA nationals last year. Naturally, with lack of caring, came Beca sitting on the table, swinging her legs. Chloe laughed.

"Could you look less enthused Bec?" She smiled at the small brunette, with a petulant look on her face. Beca cracked a smile.

"Is that a challenge Beale?" Beca grinned, prompting Chloe to roll her eyes. Chloe shook her head.

"You know, we met here a year ago. You were being snarky and said you couldn't sing." Chloe smiled. Beca smiled, a stupid idea coming over her.

"Right from the start you were a theif you stole my heart and I your willing victim. I let you see the parts of me that weren't pretty and with every touch you fixed them." Chloe's mind shot into overdrive, analyzing Beca's song. The couple in the song wanted to get back together right? When Beca sang "We're not broken just bent," Chloe's heart skipped, hoping that Beca's eye contact meant them. No Beale! No! You fucked this up. You no longer deserve her! Chloe thought to herself, before joining in the song.

"I'm sorry, I don't understand where all of this is coming from. I thought we were fine" Not completely true for Chloe, but that was beside the point. Beca didn't realize how much she had gotten into the song, when she heard someone clear her throat.

"Um... Can transfers join too?" A young girl with an accent, that Beca thought could be Guatemalan, interrupted as the girls were finishing their song.

"Oh course!" Chloe sprung into her peppy-ginger mood. Beca was stunned for the conversation. That was it. She and Chloe, they weren't broken, just bent, and with a little work on both of their parts they could get past the bend.

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