Chapter 3: A Chara?! Part of The Guardians

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Suki's PoV

'Nadeshiko and......Tadase?' I said with a shocked face as I saw them walking with two other people

I heard some fangirls and guys squealing and fangirling 'Ugh, they're soooo annoying make them stop' "Wanna make 'em stop?"

"From a girl who thinks about others to a girl who thinks of herself. Character change!"

Suddenly a red rose in my hair and a demon-like tail appear on me then I say "Will you all shut up geez your breaking my eardrums?!" I shouted out and everyone kept quiet and stare at me.

'That was weird' I thought to myself after I became myself again.

I felt an egg in my bag start to shake
After that I turned around and started to walk away but was stopped by Tadase grabbing my arm, I flinched then thought of what to do.

I flicked his hand away and said with a stern face "Do you mind not touching me, brat?".

"I'm sorry" was what he said, I felt stabbed when I saw his face. I had the urge to tell him it's me and to hug him, but thankfully I didn't do it.

I turned around and started to walk away again.

I went to the bathroom to see that the devil-like egg started to hatch, then a little chibi-like girl appeared with black hair in high, short pigtails, a red rose in her hair, blue eyes, black dress and devil-like tail (pic on the side).

"Who are you?!" I whisper-shouted and she answered me "Hiya! I'm Yumi. Nice to meet cha!" I looked at her with full curiosity then I asked her "What are you and where did you come from, Yumi?"

"I'm a guardian character and I was born from your wish to be rebellious, Mitsu-chan!" she answered me using my real name, well part of it.

I quickly covered her mouth to make sure that no one heard her and that she wouldn't say it again.

"How do you now my real name?!" I whisper shouted again "I'm a guardian character, I was born from your dreams. Of course I'll know your name, baka!" she bluntly said.

"Soo your my guardian character and these guys will be like you?" I asked "That's what I'm not sure of, we'll just have to wait and see" she said with a cute goofy grin

'Hmm, it might not be so bad to have her around, at least I'll have company. I wonder how the others will be like' I thought to myself

"Hey, are you crazy smiling to yourself like that?" she said as she raised her eyebrow.

I smirked "C'mon let's get to class" I told her while I opened my bag "Huh I don't wanna go in your bag it's boring in there!" she complained with the cutest pout ever.

"But if you don't get in people will see you" I told her without my poker face since I started to trust her.

"No they won't people without guardian characters can't see me" she said as she floated to class, I followed her.

--Time Skip--

It was the end of school it seems that I befriended, Amu, but she said that she's in the Guardians and that means she's my enemy.

I stared out the window cause I got a window seat 'Lucky me!', I thought to myself.

I suddenly heard whispers getting louder but I ignored it then I felt someone tap my shoulder

I turned around and saw that it was my childhood friend, Nadeshiko, my eyes widened a bit but in half a second I quickly went back to my poker face.

"Can I help 'cha?" I said with a 'not caring' voice and a bored expression.

She gave me a letter "Minamoto-san, can you go to the Royal Garden after school?" then she suddenly leaned to my ear "Oh, and bring your chara" she chuckled and left.

I was left there dumb-founded but I quickly went back to Suki's personality "Hmm, I wonder if should go?" I said out loud but a bit quietly.

"You should go Minamoto-san!" "Your sooooo lucky!" "It's like that time Hinamori-san was invited to the Royal Garden!" "I wonder if Minamoto-san will become a Guardian too?!" the girls said surrounding me.

I stood up and left cause they we're all so annoying "Hmm, it might be interesting, what do you think Yumi?" I asked her

"Maybe it's better than being bored all day" I chuckled at her response then walked to the Royal Garden.

While I was walking there I notice something shining at the bush, I went to take a closer look and found a cute lock with a heart on it.

I took it with me and made my way to the Royal Garden again.

I was at the Royal Garden already I opened the door and poked head.

"Hello?" I said then I saw the four other Guardians and Tadase.

"Come in" said Nadeshiko as I went in and she poured me some tea "Thanks" I said.

"Sooo, what did you want me here for?" I asked

They all looked at each other and at the chibi characters floating by they're shoulders like Yumi.

"Let me guess you want to find out if I have a guardian character." I said as I said as I sipped my tea.

"How did you find out?" Tadase asked as he snapped out of it but the others still had shocked faces.

"It's quite obvious actually, wasn't too hard to notice." I answer as others finally snapped out of it.

Suddenly Yumi came out, "I'm finally out! It's boring in there I thought I was gonna die of boredom!" Yumi complained

I smirked "Sorry about that, Yumi." I apologized as she pouted.

Yumi floated next to me and introduced herself "I'm Yumi, Nice to meet ya'!" She said with her cute grin

A king-like Tadase floated near Yumi and said "I'm kiseki, bow down before me!" Yumi smirked and floated higher than Kiseki and said "No can do wannabe king" as she poked her tongue out at him

After they finished their fight, a chara wearing traditional clothing floated to Yumi and introduced herself "I'm Temari, pleased to make your acquaintance Yumi-san".

Another chara came and said "Yo! I'm Daichi." the chara look sporty.

"I'm Pepe dechu!" said a cute baby-like chara.

Then I got to meet Amu's charas "I'm Ran!" "I'm Miki!" "I'm Su desu!"

After our charas finished introducing themselves to each other me and the Guardians we're introducing ourselves.

"King's Chair - Hotori Tadase"
"Queen's Chair - Fujisaki Nadeshiko"
"Jack's Chair - Souma Kukai"
"Ace's Chair - Yuiki Yaya"
"Joker - Hinamori Amu"

"Minamoto Suki" we all introduced ourselves and chatted a bit

--Time Skip--

"Well, I should get going, it's getting late. Thanks for the afternoon tea it was delicious, bye!" I said as I was about to leave.

"Wait!" someone stopped me and it was Tadase "Will you join the Guardians?" he said with sparkles around him, then everyone looked at me with curiousity.

I look at Yumi and she nodded.

"Sure." I said as I left and went home.


Min'na gomen! I know it was SUPER DUPER long I'm sorry, this actually took me about 3 days or so.........

Well, it might take a few days before the next update cause this one chapter drained my energy!

I'll see you in the next chapter, bye bye!

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