Park Jiwoo

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Jisung was sitting in the waiting area which is now very familiar to him by now. Waiting for his appointment. It was now almost 10 and his name might be called anytime.

And on cue his name was called. He went into the familiar room.

"Hello Jin hyung"

"Hi sung. How've you been?"

"As usual. Just the pain is getting me more day by day."

Seokjin chuckled.

"Sorry sung. But that will happen. And your date is approaching so you need to be extra careful now."

"Yes Jin- "

"Han Jisung?" Jisung was cut off by a man.

He looked at a man who seemed a bit familiar but he couldn't really make out who he was.

"Sorry uh.. I think you do not remember me. But I'm Park Jiwoo."

"Oh yes. Sorry. I remember it now. What are you doing here?"

"I joined as an internee a few days back and now I'm under Dr. Jin."

"Uhh.. I see. I almost forgot you were doing gynologisy course."

Jiwoo chuckled and scratched his nape. "Y-yeah. I am"

"So you both knew each other."

"Umm.. yeah. I met him when I first visited you"

Seokjin made a 'o' face.

"Do you have anything to do after this?"

"Uh.. no."

"Then wanna go to the cafe with me?"

Jisung was a little hesitant. but he agreed.

"Don't you have you duty?" Seokjin asked Jiwoo.

"Erm.. i wanted to take a day off. Please Dr. Jin. I promise I'll double work tomorrow."

Seokjin laughed.

"Fine you can. But let me check on him first."

After finishing the check up Jisung left the room, Jiwoo soon catching up with him.


"Hi.. it's surprising you remembered me."


"You know after meeting once and that was not pleasant meeting also"

"Hey.. it's was pleasant for me. And umm.. if I be frank enough I liked you?"

Jisung was so shocked that he stopped walking. Jiwoo noticed and stopped also.

"Sorry if I freaked you out. I didn't mean to. And I meant I liked you to be friend. Do you wanna be my friend?"

Jisung didn't know how to react.

"Hey, you ok?"

"Yes.. umm.. we can be friends."

"Then let's go the cafe. It's near here and do you have any rides?"

"No. My friend dropped me here. I'll take a cab back."

"If you don't mind I can give you a ride back."

"You don't have to bother"

"Hey it's not bothering. I'll be glad to do so. And it's not safe for you travel out alone."


"My pleasure sung. You won't mind if I call sung right?"

"No. I won't"

Both of them went in a cafe. Jisung ordered cheesecake and macha. He wanted to order ice Americano but Jiwoo didn't let him telling it won't be good if he eats and catches cold accidentally. On the other hand Jiwoo order brownies and black coffee.

After their cafe outing Jiwoo gave Jisung ride back home. Jisung offered him for a visit and Jiwoo surprisingly accepted with any hesitation.

When Jiwoo and Jisung was in the kitchen of Jisungs apartment when Felix barged in.

"JI!!! Oh my goodness! I was so worried. Why didn't you pick up?"

"Sorry lix. My phone was on mute so I didn't notice."

"It's fine. Remember next time to- who is this?" Felix asked when he noticed a stranger looking at them.

"Oh. Jiwoo meet Felix, my bestie and lix meet Jiwoo, my friend?"

"Hi. I'm Park Jiwoo."

"Lee Felix. And Jisung you never told about this friend of yours? And an Alpha?"

"Oh.. well see I met him once before. And now we meet for the second time. He a trainee gynologist under Dr. Seokjin."

"Oooh" Felix looked at him up down.

"Don't try to hurt him. Or else I won't spare you" Felix threatened him with his dangerously deep voice which sent shiver down Jiwoo, even Jisung was shocked.

"Hey lix, let's watch a movie. Jiwoo wanna join us?"

Jiwoo was hesitant but eventually agreed.

After their movie night Felix realised Jiwoo was a good guy and sighed in relief. He also guessed that he might or might not has a liking towards Jisung. He also came to know about Jisung told him about himself though not in details.

Jiwoo and Felix prepared dinner together telling Jisung to take a small nap.

After the dinner Jiwoo left but he told Jisung that he'll visit everyday. But Felix stayed with him longer.

"Soo.. lix. How's everything going in uni?"

"Not so bad. Just boring without you."

"Awww... U miss me.."

Felix nodded as they both cuddled. Felix was careful not to hurt the baby.

"Ji.. how are you?"

"I'm fine?" Unsure what Felix actually asked.

"No I mean how are you? How is the baby? And you?"

"Lix.... I'm trying doing my best but it's hurt. And about the baby he has been a little naughty. Always kicking me."

Felix laughed.

"Hey dude.. you love to mess with your mama? Don't worry me too. After you come out this we'll together bother him."

Jisung elbowed him playfully.


Jisung laughed, Felix joining him.


Hope you guys are liking it.

The first few chapters are involving around Jisung.

So it means the main plot is still yet to start.

But don't worry.

Only one or two chapter to start the main plot.

So bare with me.

Any thoughts?

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