Jisung & Yeojun

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A/n: In this story Yeojun is going to call Jisung 'Mama'. Just wanna let you guys know
And a chapter everyday. Nice right?
I just wanna complete this story quick cause I've some pending stories 😞

They were released after 3 days. Jisung gained his composure in this three days. He was now better.

But Felix insisted on staying with him for some days.

And Jisung was thankful for that. Because Jisung would be exhausted after taking care of yeojun all day. And when yeojun starts to cry in the  middle of the night he would be left with no power.

But after the first month he started to cope with it. So he pushed Felix back. Also because he didn't wanted to burden the younger and he knew Felix had been taking extra lessons for his preparation of his dream job.

Jisung had asked his professor if he could only give exams in his final year. Luckily his professor talked to the authorities and they agreed.

Jiwoo would also visit everyday. He would take care of yeojun the time he was in Jisungs. Jiwoo just graduated and soon might join as a doctor there under supervision.

Beomgyu would bring him notes everyday and help him out with his practicals.

Felix would always visit him. By always I meant at least twice a day. And they would spend there weekends together, most of the time Jiwoo with them.

Yeojun was growing well. At first he would cry more. And Jisung would struggle to feed him.

The first 4-5 month was like a hell for Jisung. The first two month he couldn't do any types of Job. Then he started online jobs slowly.

After yeojun passed 8 months old, he decided to do some actual job.

And with the reference of his professor he became a trainee in Strats company, which is renowned in the field of architecture. It stands second to Dream Stracture which is now the biggest name in this field.

Jisung also took him to a day care centre. It was run by a couple, Jessi and Jane. They have a son who is 5 years old and a daughter 2 years old.
They are really friendly and adored Jisung from the moment they saw him.

Yeojun will be staying with the couple until afternoon.

Jisung had his graduation coming in 2 months. And his new job was driving his crazy along with the pressure of taking care of yeojun. But he had to do this.

For himself and for yeojun.

In the new company everything was going great. They acknowledged Jisungs talent real quick. They also raised his salary in comparison to other trainees.

Just a few days before, the professor offered him a Master's course with scholarship.

Jisung was really excited after hearing that. But the problem was his new job and yeojun.

Sensing his distress the professor told him that it was going to be one and half year course. He can be more eligible with a master's degree certificate. And he can apply to more renowned company like, Gatz view or Dream Stracture. (A/n: I made up these names 😅)

He still was reluctant. So he asked if he could take less class. The professor wasn't sure if it would be good choice. But thinking about Jisung talent in this field the professor agreed.

Jisung had became like a son to him by now. He always loved his behaviour, being kind, thoughtful and bringing joy to people around him.

He was also one of those few persons who showed sympathy to Jisung.

And that day finally came. Jisungs graduation. It was a day of great joy to him. He was so happy. He got even more happy when he saw Jiwoo took yeojun to his graduation. Jisungs day couldn't more colourful. Hyunsuk and his wife along with their son also came there to congratulate him and Felix.

Everything was now getting on track with Jisung.

Like he would wake yeojun up every. Feed him and prepare his food. He would get ready and go to his job.

He also started his master's course. He would attend only a few classes a week.

Later the afternoon, he would take yeojun back and spent rest of the time together.

Yeojun became 1 years old one month ago. Felix, Jiwoo and him celebrated it altogether.


Timeskipping to one and half year *wink*

"What. Is. This?" The man in the front was shivering.

"I asked something!" The low voice sent shiver down the spine of the already trembling man.

"I asked a question."

"It's the draft design."

"Do I pay you for this? Can't even do a single fucking draft?"

"I'm sorry sir. I'll ask them to do it again."

"Do you think time is waiting for us?"

"I'll ask them to do overtime and finish a acceptable one within this week."

"I don't want a acceptable one. I want a perfect one. And if you guys are not good enough you guys better resign on your own before I fire you."

The man bowed and left the room.

The man in the chair rubbed his temples and pressed a button.

Suddenly the door of the room opened and a man came in.

"Mr. Lee, you asked for me?"

"Yes. I want you give out news for recruiting more architecture designers. They are to bring a draft of their own along with their cv and certificates. I'll personally interview them"

"Ok Mr. Lee. I'll do it now."

"Don't be so harsh Lee Minho" a long haired man chuckled who has been sitting in the coach all this time.

"Shut up Hyunjin. Don't you have anything to do?"

"Oh yes. I've decided to ask Felix out. But I need your encouragement."

"Finally you're going to do it! After whole 2 years! Congratulations " Minho gave him a sarcastic applause.
(That one type dk gave to jam jam, only the applause)


"What?" Minho raised an eyebrow

"You oldie. I hope you die single"

"I won't."

"You will if you still don't get anyone"

Minho rolled his eyes.

"Keep rolling it. I hope it stuck in your brain. I'm going to ask lixie baby out. Bye hyung!!!"


Finally starting!

And a little bit hyunlix.

Hyunlix fluff might in future chapter


Any thoughts?

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