chapter 7

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Hey guys and gals, sorry for not updating. I've been really tired, also very busy with summer stuff. I just got done suffering from hanging out with some girls...yeah I officially hate shopping. Anyways for what all of yall been waiting for........... chapter 7!

Chapter 7: memories...

Percys P.O.V

I use to only walk in the darkness, never once have I tried to walk towards the light. I never tried to smile from happiness... I never tried to cry from despair....I never tried to be human.
But these people with shiny armor and odd looking weapons that radiated power, aproached me or more like threatened me to become something.
They didn't want me to continue living like a stray wolf, they didn't want me to join the wrong side, and they surely didn't want to kill me, right?
I'm not even sure what I'm thinking right now....I'm not even sure if I'm alive but since I'm not riding on a ferry boat across the styx, I'm sure that I'm not dead but if I'm not dead then where in the world am I?
"Your sleeping"
'Huh??? Who said that? Wait why am I describing my life right now anyways? Way too many question are bubbling up right now.'
"I did, your new master."
'Excuse me! I'm not your servant! Up to a while ago I was just about to pledge my service to zeus, not some voice inside my head that is able to respond to anything I say.'
"Actually you didn't pledge anything. You were forced to serve under me."
'Can I please know who "me" is?'
"Artemis, the goddess of the moon, virginity, child birth, and hunting."
'Ohhh so your silver puff huh? That's very funny!'
"Anyways time to wake up!"
I start to see a bright hole zooming towards me before I started to feel quite a bit of pain everywhere.


I wake up in what seemed to be a hospital bed....however, when I looked around, it was way to...hmm gold?
I rub my eyes again to clear away the drowsiness before make in sure that I wasn't just seeing things because I felt extremely crappy.
"Pretty cool isn't it!" A loud but cheerful voice Said, making me jump.
I spun around a quickly and humanely possible, only to see a smiling sun god. By sun god I mean, a smile so bright that it could literally fight the sun.
"Uhhh who are you?" I asked bluntly.
"Awwww you don't remember me bud? Well that sucks....anyways I'm Apollo, the god of the sun, poems, and music." Apollo Said proudly.
"Well I can definitely see why your the god of the sun" I mumbled as I slowly got up from the bed.
"Carefull now, wouldn't want you falling on your but" Apollo grinned.
"I think we could become great friends but for some reason I have this urge to kill you, what's up with that?" I curiously asked.
Apollo flinched "Well the most likely reason would probably be the fact that you are Artemis guardian"
"Wait! How did I become her guardian?"
"Well somehow, Artemis found your real name. She yelled it out. Then she bounded you to her." Apollo said like it was obvious.
"What in the hades is a 'true name'?"
Apollo scratched his head thinking of a way to say it with understandable words. "Well its your very being, your soul, and your life"
The door slammed open, almost as if the person was waiting for that moment to enter.
"That's right! Your very being belongs to me now. You will do everything I tell you to but that aside, welcome to the hunt as out guardian percy jackson." Artemis opened her arms almost as if telling me to hug her, I obeyed. I ran into her arms like a child would his mother.
"Welcome home, my child"

Sorry for it being so short but like I said earlier, I'm quite tired. I've been doing so much lately and I wish I didn't have to but I hope yall understand. Like always, I love yall!

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