Chapitre 11 : Anciens Amis, Nouvelles Révélations

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[Chapter 11: Old Friends, New Revelations]

After weeks of intense work, Isabella realized she hadn't made time for herself or her friends. The long hours at the agency, combined with the growing complexity of her feelings for Adam, had left her drained. She needed a break, a moment to reconnect with her life outside of work, and most importantly, her close friends who had been her support system long before she moved to Paris.

On a Friday evening, Isabella decided to host a small dinner party at her apartment. It was the perfect excuse to unwind and catch up with her friends—people who knew her best and with whom she could be completely herself. She invited Léa, who had become one of her closest friends at work, as well as Sophie and Camille, two friends from her university days who were also living in Paris.

Isabella spent the day preparing her favorite dishes, the aromas filling her cozy apartment with the scent of garlic, rosemary, and freshly baked bread. By the time the doorbell rang, she was ready to relax and enjoy the evening.

Léa was the first to arrive, bringing a bottle of wine and her usual lively energy. "Sab! This place smells amazing!" she exclaimed as she walked in, immediately making herself at home.

Isabella smiled, feeling the tension of the week begin to melt away. "Thanks, Léa. I'm just glad to have a night off with good company."

Sophie and Camille arrived soon after, both of them full of stories and laughter that filled the apartment with warmth. It was exactly what Isabella needed—a reminder that there was more to life than work.

As they settled around the dining table, conversation flowed easily. They talked about everything from work challenges to the latest fashion trends in Paris, but inevitably, the topic shifted to Isabella's life at the agency.

"So, how are things going with the new campaign?" Sophie asked, taking a sip of her wine. "It sounds like you're working on something big."

Isabella nodded, a smile tugging at her lips. "It's been intense, but rewarding. Adam and I have been working closely on it, and we've come up with some great ideas."

Camille, ever the observant one, raised an eyebrow. "Adam, huh? You've mentioned him a lot lately. Is there something going on between you two?"

Isabella felt her cheeks flush slightly. She hadn't realized how often she'd brought up Adam in conversation. "Well, we've been spending a lot of time together because of work," she said, trying to sound casual. "He's really talented, and we make a good team."

Léa, who had been listening quietly, decided to chime in. "You're not fooling anyone, Sab. We can all see there's something more between you two. And honestly, I think it's great. He's a good guy, and you deserve to be happy."

Isabella looked around the table at her friends, all of them watching her with encouraging smiles. She sighed, realizing there was no point in denying what they already seemed to know. "Okay, fine. I like him. A lot. But it's complicated. We work together, and I don't want to mess that up."

Sophie leaned forward, her tone gentle but firm. "Sab, you can't let fear hold you back. If there's something real between you and Adam, it's worth exploring. You're both adults, and you can figure out how to balance work and a relationship."

Camille nodded in agreement. "Plus, life's too short to not take a chance on something—or someone—who makes you happy."

Isabella felt a wave of gratitude for her friends. They always knew how to put things into perspective. "You're right," she said, a thoughtful look on her face. "I guess I've just been so focused on work that I haven't really allowed myself to think about what I want outside of it."

Léa smiled warmly. "Well, you have us to remind you. And for what it's worth, I think Adam feels the same way about you."

The conversation left Isabella with a lot to think about. After dinner, as her friends helped her clean up and said their goodbyes, she found herself alone in the quiet of her apartment, reflecting on their words. She knew they were right—she couldn't keep ignoring her feelings for Adam, nor could she let the fear of the unknown hold her back.

Later that night, as she prepared for bed, Isabella's thoughts drifted to Adam. The way he made her laugh, his unwavering support at work, the subtle glances they shared—there was no denying that her feelings for him were real and growing stronger. But she also knew that pursuing something with him would require navigating the complexities of their professional relationship.

As she lay in bed, staring up at the ceiling, Isabella made a decision. She would take things one step at a time, but she wouldn't close herself off to the possibility of something more with Adam. Life had brought her to Paris for a reason, and maybe, just maybe, it had brought Adam into her life for a reason too.

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