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Colet's POV:

I awoke to the tranquil symphony of melodious birdsong that filled the old building, signaling the approaching dawn. Adjusting my eyes to the gentle morning light, I discerned Mikha's figure perched atop the counter. Her graceful movements as she meticulously polished her crowbar caught my attention. As I rose from my slumber, I stretched and leaned against the counter, meeting her focused gaze with a sense of curiosity and anticipation for the day ahead.

"You're early today. What changed?" I asked her with my brows furrowed. 

She looked at me and scoffed. "I felt like this was the day I had to do something new, like getting up early and prepping myself before heading out," she explained, then moved on to ensure her guns were working correctly. I raised one eyebrow and grinned. "Are you sure it's not because of what you talked with?" She paused and looked at Sheena, who was peacefully sleeping. She kicked me on my side, and I groaned in response. "Ah, so I was right. Don't worry. your secret's safe with me." I smirked and pretended to zip my mouth.

After an hour, we were all up and ready to go. I made sure that each one of us had eaten before we left. That way, we had enough strength to face the challenges we needed to face.


We headed out and started our journey to the south. It was a serene morning. The sun's warm rays touched my face, and I smiled lightly. I miss having to enjoy the warmth without even thinking of danger. Me and I would do sunbathing now and then before all of this happened. 

I suddenly frowned when I remembered that I missed my mom and dad. They were in Italy on a business trip when this global pandemic happened. They were supposed to arrive a day before the mess had started, but they never did. I thought they had gotten into trouble or their flight was canceled. But either way, I still hope they're okay. 

The girls and I had a great head start because there were few to no Zekes around, which was weird. I didn't think of it and just continued down the street. Gwen and Sheena were in front, while Mikha and I were at the back. Making sure all our ends were covered. 

Before we knew it, the sun was already kissing the horizon, signaling the end of another quaint day. We headed up to one of the rooftops of the buildings and enjoyed the beautiful sunset there. Mikha sat on the edge, and I sat beside her. "Ready for tomorrow, pal?" I asked and took a sip from my Coke bottle. Mikha turned her head towards me and smiled. "Ready as I'll ever be. No one's ever going to be ready for what lies ahead of us," She replied and continued to gaze into the horizon. I patted her back, and we enjoyed the view before us. 

I looked down and saw a group of Zekes heading east. Some were scattered, but they didn't pose much threat. This was also the first time I had enjoyed the broken scenery of the world. The city was a haunting sight, with charred and ruined buildings looming over the landscape. Debris from the destruction was strewn across the streets and overturned cars lay scattered amidst the chaos. Nature had begun to reclaim the urban environment, with dense vegetation weaving through the wreckage, creating an eerie and surreal scene. 

After a while, I stood up and headed toward Gwen and Sheena, who were also enjoying the view. "Enjoy the view while it lasts, lovebirds," I said, and Gwen tried to kick me, but she missed. I stuck out my tongue and laughed afterward, leaving the two of them. I made my way to the other side of the rooftop and heaved a deep sigh. 

As the sun set and darkness descended, the four of us huddled around a crackling bonfire, its dancing flames casting a warm glow on our faces. The crisp mid-fall air made for a chillier night than we were accustomed to, but the cozy fire provided a comforting contrast to the cool evening. 

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