Chapter 21: What are you doing to me?

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I'm not sure how long I've been sitting in front of my hotel room, but I seem to have been lost in thought for some time. My ear twitches to the sound of a distant voice from a nearby hallway. It takes me a good minute to start figuring out who the voice belongs to. I close my eyes to try and focus more. A woman's voice, a familiar voice, and an excited tone. It sounds like Charlie.

I can't tell what she's saying from where I am. I wonder if she's giving her dad a tour of the hotel. That wouldn't be too far-fetched of an idea since this is his first visit here and she wants to impress him. I hope it's going well. I wonder if I could be any help to her cause.

I stand up and wipe my pants down from any loose threads that the carpet may have left, swishing my tail quickly to do the same. I start walking deeper down the hallway in the hopes of catching up to Charlie. As I continue walking however, I'm starting to wonder if they went in a different direction than I anticipated. With how these hallways zig zag around it's a little difficult for my hearing to pick up exactly where people are sometimes. I'm sure with time I'll get more used to the directions of where the sounds are coming from. More specifically, where the sounds bounce off the walls.

I stop for a moment to see if I can hear her anymore. Her voice is gone, so she must have gotten away from me. I sigh, a little frustrated at my lost cause. Just as I'm about to give up, I hear a set of different voices.

These are different; lower tone, male voices, and at least two. I try to focus harder. If I can just focus enough, maybe I'll be able to figure out who they are and where they are. Come on, (y/n), focus.

"-for every other disrespectful wretch who dares to question me!" That sounds like Alastor. It definitely sounds like him, but something in his tone of voice sounds a little more... off, than usual. Who is he talking to?

"Understood." I hear Husk's shaky tone respond. What is he doing to Husk?!

My mind goes into a panic, I need to find Husk! I look back and forth between the connecting hallways, trying to figure out if there is any way to tell which hallway they are down.

Once my eyes see the flickering lights down the hallway to my left, I know that is the right direction. I hope Alastor isn't hurting him!

I start running down the hallway, hoping that I can do something to help with the situation. Alastor obviously sounds angry, and Husk sounds scared. By the time I get closer to the hallway it looks like the lights of the hallway are no longer flickering. The hallway is much brighter than it was before, and it doesn't sound like they are talking anymore. Am I too late?

Before I can even make it around the corner into the hallway I run straight into Alastor. With the speed I was going before, I crash into his chest and fall back onto the ground at full force. Alastor on the other hand barely even moved, still looking poised as ever as he holds his staff.

"Ow." I mutter, shaking my head and slowly standing back up. "Long time no see." I joke before looking up at Alastor, slightly out of breath.

I should have probably made eye contact with him before making any jokes. Alastor does not look like he's in the mood for jokes as he glares down at me. He looks very unamused.

"(y/n)..." Alastor sounds both annoyed and surprised as he says my name, but he still doesn't lose his confident stance. He hasn't asked yet why I was running down the hallway, I'm sure he knows.

"Where's Husk?" I ask him, determination in my voice. I don't want to challenge him since it seems he's already a little angry, but I do want him to answer me.

Alastor tilts his head to the side, almost as if he's confused. But his facial expression doesn't change. Sure, he always smiles. But in his eyes, I can see that he still looks angry. What's going on?

"What did you do to him?" I continue my questioning since he's not answering. Again, I'm doing my best to not sound too confrontational, but I'm hoping he can hear the seriousness of my concern. I want to make sure Husk is okay.

"You're running around the hallways to make sure I didn't harm Husker, is that it?" Alastor questions back. I notice how his chest rises and falls with every breath he is taking. It's like he's taking deep breaths, deeper than usual. Am I making the situation worse? Should I just leave before I get into deeper shit than I feel like I'm already in?

"I heard you both down the hallway." I respond honestly. "I couldn't hear everything, but it sounded like you two were maybe having some sort of disagreement or something. I just wanted to see if there was anything I could do to help him." I explain. Again, I get no response for my explanation. I let out a small laugh and point my finger at Alastor with my palm facing up. "You didn't think I was running down the hallway excited to see you, did you?" I tease.

I don't get a verbal response to that comment, but I do notice how Alastor's eyes have changed. His eyes look like glowing red radio dials inside a black abyss. His breathing is still heavy and a bit labored but he's still wearing that smile. This is a bit unnerving. I should really learn to stop making jokes when he's angry.

"I... I'm sorry. I'll just... go." I say quietly as I start backing away, putting my hands up in defense. I keep eye contact with him for a few seconds, noticing that it doesn't seem like he has any intention of following me. Once I turn around to go back down the hallway, I feel myself fall through the floor with my next step. It's like the floor has opened up into a large dark shadow, and I was sucked into it. Before I can even scream from surprise my feet land back in front of Alastor, exactly where he was standing in the hallway when I started walking away.

The green leash materializes around my neck, and I feel the tug from Alastor as he not only pulls me close but pulls me up. His hand is up by his shoulder, holding tightly onto the chain. I'm standing on my tip toes doing my best to keep my balance. Even though his eyes are still abnormal and different than what they usually are, he doesn't look as angry as he was just a minute ago.

I know I'm forced to be this close to him, but I'm not forced to look straight into his eyes like I am. I'm trying to figure out what emotion is happening with Alastor right now. He's not pissed. He may be a little angry, but there's something else here as well. There's almost a softness looking back at me, along with confusion.

"...what are you doing to me?" Alastor asks quietly.  

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