Lincoln who had enough of his family for unfairness and blaming him for bad luck, his family force him to sleep outside and his sisters force him to wear squrriel costume which humiliates him badly. he decided to run away from home he sneaks o...
Lincoln is living with his family who is loved and cared by his family, he had good times with his family and he hangs out with friends and spending times with them. Everything is going normal for Lincoln,
Or does it?
Until something had change his life.......
At school Lincoln who is playing sports as he's doing some sports he won the game Lynn Jr is mad at Lincoln for making her lose the game he gets yelled by Lynn Jr who is still mad at him for her loss, his sisters hates him and saying things something hateful and mean such as "you're a bad luck Lincoln!" and "i wish you were gone!" which hurts him he became sad and depressed but something worse happened........
His parents accused Lincoln of damaging the bathroom sink pipe since Lana is fixing the pipe with wrench even Lincoln tries to tell his parents that he didn't do it but they didn't listen to him he was grounded for this day his parents didn't allow him to hang out with his friends because he was in trouble, Lola makes Lincoln to do stuff for her she forces him to play tea party with her and Luan pranks him a lot which he didn't like it and telling him it's his fault, his sisters forces him to wear a squrriel costume which humiliates him his family makes Lincoln to sleep outside he is freezing cold he had to stay outside until they can let him in. His family blames for bad luck because he ruins their day, this is the final straw for Lincoln he wanted to escape this hellhole he want to be free from this torment he come up with the idea is to run away from home,
Later at Night...
It is around 8:00 pm his family were sound asleep he gets up from his bed after he pretends to be asleep making sure his family would check up on him he writes the note on the paper he finished writing he puts the note on his bed he packs his stuff in his bag he looks at his stuffed animal Bun bun he sadly tears up a little he was reminded about his past since when he a baby he puts Bun bun in his bag he looks at the family photo of his family,
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he tears up seeing his family happy Lincoln wipes his tears away he puts the photo in his bag he closed his bag and he opens the window as he climbs out of the bedroom window he slowly climbs down to not to make a noise that going to wake his family up he slowly manages to safely land on the grass he runs as fast as he could running far from his home Lincoln turn his head to look at his home with sad frown on his face he continues to walk in the streets,
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He walks in the streets he arrived to the bus stop he sits on the bench waiting for the bus to arrive as be waits he sees the bus arrived he walks inside the bus the bus is empty there's no passengers in the seats he take a seat he sat down as the bus driver starts driving as the bus drove off away from his home. He looks at the window his face is filled with sadness he thought about how his family blamed for bad luck because he was blamed for bad luck he tries to tell them there's no bad luck but they said that he's the bad luck they treated him badly he shook off the thought he couldn't bare all the pain and negative thoughts in his head he decided to relax a bit to forget the thought unbeknownst to Lincoln he been traveling to the long destination from Royal Woods. The last thing he think in his mind he and his family were happy,
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Lincoln closed his eyes just to relax to calm himself down the bus drives for 15 hours he didn't realize where he is going to something, something more then meets the eye.
700 words A/N: I come with the idea to make a Loud house and Transformers prime crossover story so I made the story, I hope you enjoy.