This is about Lloyd finds the fanfic on datapad the Autobots were curious what the story is telling as they read the story things didn't seem go well when they read the story. Enjoy reading,
Gift to HaleyHastings6
Lloyd: *looking through datapad but something caught his attention* what's this? the fanfic? *insert title* hmm...
Optimus Prime: What are you looking at Lloyd?
Lloyd: oh I found the fanfic in the data pad I was curious what the story is telling about
Arcee walks in seeing Lloyd reading the fanfic
Arcee: what is this Lloyd?
Lloyd: it's the fanfic Arcee let's read the story guys
They nodded they read the first chapter
Optimus Prime is completely stunned about what the story narration had said,
Optimus Prime: did I just say something mean to Bee?! I would never say such a mean things to my son!
Lloyd: I don't get it the story had to tell us about his relationship with deception but Bee is dating Knockout Optimus and in this story why he date the decepticon leader? This doesn't make sense!
Acree is shocked as well
Arcee: I mean Megatron is the leader of decepticon but in the story Bee likes him!?
They read through the chapters but they didn't expect something that's happening in the fanfic Arcee is even more shocked when reading the story
Arcee: WHAT! I was mean to Bee?! I love my nephew so much! I would never be mean to him!
Lloyd: okay this is getting out of hand the sentence said about calling him worthless scout!? That did not happen! Just because he loved Megatron! And why they just hate him! But you all never hate Bee!
Arcee: I know right Lloyd but in the story explains we all hate Bee! This fanfic did not make sense!
As they read further through the story now they were all shocked when reading the chapter,
Optimus Prime: by the Allspark! the decepticons just beat us up in the story?! This never happened!
Arcee: and Megatron got Bee sparked?! And had sparkling together!? No way this wouldn't happened!
Lloyd: I am completely shocked! The fanfic had to tells us about! I couldn't bare this story anymore! This is not right!
Bulkhead and Ratchet walks in with Ratchet furious
Bulkhead: me and Ratchet read the fanfic he's not happy about this how the story portrayed
Ratchet: I will find someone for making this story!!!!
Lloyd: We must destroy this fanfic into pieces!
Arcee: I agreed!
They all start destroying the datapad into pieces after they read the fanfic then the datapad is destroyed into pieces
Lloyd: finally it's over we will never read this fanfic ever again
Ratchet: at least it's over
Arcee: yeah this fanfic finally gets what it's deserved
Prowl walks in the center noticing the datapad destroyed in pieces
Prowl: what happen here?
Optimus Prime: nothing Prowl we'll clean up the mess
Prowl walks off to do some work then Bee arrived in the base after he had the date with Knockout.
Bee: hey I'm back from the date with Knockout uh what happened?
Lloyd: uh hey Bee how was your date with Knockout?
seeing them standing in front of the destroyed datapad Arcee and Optimus looked at Bee having the urge to hug him.
Arcee: I will never do such a horrible thing to you Bee! I cared about you!
Optimus Prime: This will never happened son! I love you so much son!
Bee is confused about this,
Bee: what's going on?
Lloyd: uuhhh it's a long story Bee
595 words A/N: I come up with an idea to make oneshot I didn't want to add like gross things in the story be grateful.

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