𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫-04 (𝐏𝐚𝐫𝐭 2)

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I was rushing down the corridor my mind preoccupied with a million thoughts, when I collided headlong into a guy. The impact was sudden, knocking the breath out of both of us as we stumbled to regain their balance.

  I looked up, wide-eyed, to find myself staring into the eyes of him. He was equally startled, his hands instinctively reaching out to steady me as we both took a moment to process the unexpected encounter. There was a brief, charged silence between us, the world around us seeming to fade away for just an instant.

I was flustered, my heart racing from both the collision and the whirlwind of thoughts that had distracted me. My cheeks flushed with a mix of embarrassment and surprise, and I struggled to catch  my breath. My hair was slightly disheveled from the hurried pace, and my eyes, wide with shock, betrayed the lingering anxiety I carried.

Though I am embarrassed, his presence still made me feel at ease. His hands were still on my waist with His blue eyes held a striking clarity, reminiscent of the ocean on a clear day. Yet, beneath that pure blue, there was a subtle hint of green, like sea glass catching the light. This touch of green added an unexpected depth, softening the intensity of his gaze and giving it a quiet, contemplative quality, as though there were hidden layers beneath his calm exterior.

"What are you doing here, Mio Cariño?" His voice was a low rumble, like distant thunder rolling over the horizon. Each word carried a weight that made people pause, as if the very air grew denser in his presence. There was a gravelly texture to it, roughened by years of unspoken thoughts and buried emotions. Yet, beneath the harshness, there was a surprising warmth—a steady, soothing quality that made me lean in closer, as if he held the secrets to the world's oldest mysteries. His voice didn't just speak; it resonated, leaving an imprint that lingered long after the sound had faded. It is somewhat comforting to me.

"I-" before I could answer, "There you are!" That bastard screamed. Zaviyar's expression diverted from me to him. His expression darkened as he saw that guy. He slowly straightened up and also helped to stand on my feet. "The girl belongs to me, young man." The bastard started. Zaviyar's expression hardened, he slowly turned towards me,"Do you know him?" He asked. His voice was full of calmness and concern. A voice that I can rely on. I couldn't speak as I was panting hard, so I shook my head negative.

Zaviyar's grabbed my wrist and slowly pulled me closer to him. His expression was unpredictable, but his actions made me flutter. I can sense my cheeks burning up, my pulse rate rising up and my heart racing as fast as it could. He made me stand behind him. The scene is tense, and his cologne was making me feel safe. He stood in front of me like a human shield. "Give me the girl! I won't repeat myself again" The guy said. Zaviyar chuckled, "Mind to take her by yourself?" He asked. I could see a sinister smile forming on that guy's face. He slowly ascended his steps. Zaviyar stood his ground, his eyes locked onto the guy approaching with a sneer.

In one swift, fluid motion, he stepped forward and delivered a powerful right hook to the man’s jaw. The impact was immediate—his opponent's eyes glazed over as his body crumpled to the ground, unconscious before he hit the pavement.

For a moment, everything was still. The tension in the air dissolved, leaving only the faint echo of the punch. He turned, and there I was, just a step behind him. My eyes are wide, not with fear, but with admiration and a touch of awe. Without a word, he reached out and gently took my hand, his touch a stark contrast to the force he'd just unleashed. I squeezed his hand back, a silent acknowledgment that I knew he’d always protect me, no matter the cost.

And here we are, standing on the rooftop.

My hands are resting on the railing so was his. I really needed some fresh air. I closed my eyes as I relaxed myself. "That day I really left you on my fate." He started. "I knew that you'd find me. And there you are. You really found me." He added. His husky voice left my body on the shiver. "I really feel like a helpless person." I started. Zaviyar's expression changed, "What do you mean?" He asked. "Are you alright? That bastard didn't hurt you, right?" He added. "No, he didn't. But how long will you keep helping me out." I stopped as I looked at him. He chuckled and grabbed my cheeks, "I will always be there for you whenever you need me. You can rely on me, you know that right?" He asked. I nodded. "Now, let me have the honour to drop you off at your dorm. Please?" He insisted . I didn't deny it as I was really tired.

He slowly took my hand into his as he started to walk.

We reached the lobby of the hotel.

There we found Micheal coming towards us and whispered into Zaviyar's ear. Zaviyar gave him a big grin and dragged me towards the emergency exit. "Why are we using this way?" I questioned. "The reporters have gathered around the front gate, as you don't want to be on the headlines tomorrow, we're using this way." Zaviyar answered with a wink. This guy. He's never gonna change!

And then we safely exit the hotel and he dropped me at my dorm safely. "Thanks." I said before leaving him. "Why?" He asked. "For tonight." I replied. "That was my duty, Mio Cariño." He replied with a comforting smile.

"Goodnight." I greeted him and went inside the dorm.

Author's Note: Can I have some more votes??

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