𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫-05 {𝐏𝐚𝐫𝐭 01}

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It's been a month since I last saw him. During this time, there wasn't a single second in which I hadn't thought about him. He's really occupied my mind. What's wrong with me? Why am I thinking about him? And why is everything that happened to me in the past, flashing right in front of my eyes? Why?

I had a very tough month though. I had to sit for my exams. And finally from today, I will be enjoying a month of vacation. A rush towards the kitchen and make a mug of hot chocolate for myself. As it's snowing outside, I love to enjoy the time with cozyness.

I take the mug and slip into the sheets in my living room. And then I started to read the book that Tahmin bought recently. I love to annote my books. And she loves to read them.

And with that I start reading it.

As I finished the book, I stretched out and took a look at the window. Shit! It's evening! I didn't even realize the time as I was so drawn to the book. I take a look at my fridge in search of some food. But I was disappointed as my fridge had nothing to eat.

I take a look at the watch to know what time it is. It's 8pm. Yes, I could go to the grocery store and come back before the dorm curfew. So, I take my coat and mittens and leave for the store.

The evening was draped in a thick blanket of silence, broken only by the soft whisper of snowflakes drifting from the darkened sky. The world outside was bathed in a dim, silver light, the moon casting a pale glow that reflected off the fresh snow, making the entire landscape shimmer like a sea of diamonds. The air was crisp and cold, biting at any exposed skin, yet invigorating in its purity.

Footsteps crunched through the snow, the only sound that seemed to carry in the hushed, frozen world. Trees, heavy with snow, stood like sentinels along the path, their branches sagging under the weight of winter’s embrace. Occasionally, a branch would release its burden, sending a gentle cascade of snow to the ground below with a soft thud.

The houses were snug and inviting, golden light spilling from their windows, casting warm, inviting patches on the snow-covered ground. Inside, the faint, comforting sounds of laughter and crackling fires could be heard, contrasting sharply with the cold, stillness outside.

As the evening deepened, the snow continued to fall, a never-ending dance of white that blurred the edges of the world, making everything seem softer, more mysterious. It was a night that seemed to hold secrets, a quiet, snowy evening that felt like it belonged to another world entirely.

Soon I reached the store. I take a cart and  start to take my necessary products.

I am standing before the bill counter. The lady here is so rude. The last time I was here, she was being so rude to me.

She scanned my things with a scanner machine and , "It will be -- dollars." She said with a hint of rudeness. I put my hands inside my pocket to find my wallet. What the hell! Where's my wallet? I looked here and there, and then I realized that I left it at home! How can I be this irresponsible! The lady understood me. And started taking back the products that I was supposed to buy.

"Uh, if you don't mind -" before I could finish my sentence. "What are you waiting for, honey?" I hear a deep husky voice. And I was sure about who is the owner of this voice. I felt a thud in the heart. My heart started pounding against it. My breath becomes heavy.

"Honey?" Zaviyar called me out. I turn to him, when he gives me a comforting and warm smile. He turned to the lady and said, "Please pack the things my lady took out." He said. "Well, I can manage-" before I could complete the sentence he shushed me by putting his pointer on my lips. "Please, let me have the honour to do this. I will be honored if I could help you. Please?" He whispered in my ears. His warm breaths let me shiver. He gently stepped aside and stood before me.

We are walking towards our way to the dorm. "Well, Mr. Diab." I called out. "Yes, ma'am?" He responded. "I really don't know how I can express my gratitude for helping me out." I added. He chuckled.

I looked at him when, "If you really want to thank me, then invite me for dinner." He said. "Will it be-" I was about to start. "Yes, it will be a token of thank you." He cut me out. I nodded.

Soon, we both arrived at my dorm. I took out my keys as we entered the lobby. Ms. Apples reached out for us. "Oh my God! Tas, you just bought a greek god in our dorm. Oh My, just look at him." She started. I know Zaviyar has got the features to be called a Greek God. And I couldn't deny her either. "Thanks, Ms. -" he said. "It's Apples. My name is Apples. I am the dorm manager here." She said, and Zaviyar nodded.

She looked at me and, "Tas it's the first time you're bringing a guy here, huh?" She started. I got shocked at her words though they're true. As I caught sight of him , my cheeks flushed a delicate shade of pink. My heart fluttered with a mix of embarrassment and excitement. He was grinning, a confident, almost mischievous smile that sent a warm rush through my body. His eyes sparkled with a sense of satisfaction, as if he knew exactly what he was doing to me. I quickly glanced away, trying to hide my reddening face, but the smile lingering on his lips only deepened, making it impossible for me to keep from stealing another look. I bit my lip, feeling the heat rise to my cheeks again, unable to suppress the shy smile that began to form on my own lips.

Author's Note:  Hope that you guys enjoyed the chapter. Sorry for the late publish. Next time I will try my best to publish chapters on time. And I hope that I get more votes and comments. See ya in the next chapter, till then, stay safe y'all 💕

𝑪𝒖𝒐𝒓𝒐 𝑴𝒊𝒐: 𝑴𝒚 𝑯𝒆𝒂𝒓𝒕 Where stories live. Discover now