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                 Author's POV

Tas sat in the crowded lecture hall, surrounded by the hum of students eager to absorb the details of cellular biology. Her professor's voice echoed in the background, but she couldn’t focus on mitochondria or any other vital function. Her mind kept wandering back to one person—Zaviyar Diab.

Ever since their chance encounter in the hospital , her life had taken an unexpected turn. Unlucky moments seemed to follow her like a shadow. Just yesterday, she’d spilled coffee on her white coat moments before an important presentation, and the day before that, she misplaced her stethoscope. The pattern was undeniable, and each mishap traced back to him.

She felt her pulse quicken at the thought of Zaviyar's  disarming smile, the way his green eyes lit up when they talked about the most mundane things. His presence left her disoriented, trapped in a constant state of awareness she’d never experienced before. Her pencil hovered uselessly above her notebook as she stared blankly at the PowerPoint slide. What had he done to her? Why did he have this power over her?

Another wave of laughter erupted from the students around her, and Tas blinked, realizing the professor had cracked a joke she completely missed. She shifted uncomfortably in her seat, trying to focus. But her thoughts slipped back to Zaviyar, the man who had somehow bewitched her into a streak of chaos.

Soon her thoughts were shaken off when, Max tapped her shoulders. Max is her closest friend here. After Tahmin, the person she trusts the most is Max.

"Hey, wanna sit here forever? " Max asks.

When Tas realizes that her lectures are over. She started arranging her things, when Max tapped her shoulders, "Hey, Tas?" she started. "Are you alright?" she added. "Y-yeah, I am absolutely fine." Tas stuttered.  "What would happen to me?" she laughed off. "You look so lost." Max commented. Tas tapped her arms and, "I am fine. It's just that I am a bit tired lately." she affirmed.

"Let's grab a coffee,  shall we?" Max offered. "I am in. I really need a coffee." Tas commented. "Then let's keep our books at the locker and go to a fine cafe, shall we?" Max exclaimed.  Tas chuckled and said, "Yeah, sure."

The bustling cafe hummed with conversation and the scent of freshly brewed coffee. As Tas pushed through the door, balancing her purse and a large to-go cup, she scanned the room for an empty table. Distracted, she didn’t notice Zaviyar  coming from the opposite direction, his hands full of his own order.

They collided with a sudden, jarring thud. Her coffee cup jolted out of her hands, and in what felt like slow motion, the contents arced through the air—splattering across the crisp white shirt of an unsuspecting man seated nearby.

“Oh my God, I’m so sorry!” she gasped, fumbling for napkins, her face flushing with embarrassment. The stranger glared, muttering something under his breath, while Zaviyar tried to suppress a grin.

“I think you missed me,” he said, amusement dancing in his eyes as he handed her a napkin.

Tas's heart raced—half from mortification, half from the electric spark in his gaze.

Soon she gathered herself together and, "Why would I miss a bad luck like you?" she snapped. Zaviyar's gaze changed into confusion. "Bad luck?" he asked.

"Yes, a  bad luck." she snorted. "How so?" he enquired. "Because ever since the night we met, my whole life turned into a mess. And sorry to say, you’re not a bad luck.  Rather you’re a  Typhoon  that changed my well arranged and peaceful life into a disaster. " she vented.

Zaviyar found it cute. The way she vented her anger on him made him feel a strange thing. He doesn’t know what to name that thing. "Well, well calm down." he started as he raised his hands in defence.

"I am really sorry for making your life a mess, to which I don’t know how I did that. But yeah, I apologize." he added.

Their conversation was interrupted as Max came into the scene. "Hey,  Tas. Is everything alright? " she asked. Zaviyar was about to answer, but Tas interrupted him and said, "Nothing. Let's head back, shall we?" she asked. Max nodded. She took Max's hand and glared at Zaviyar before leaving the shop.

Zaviyar's gaze followed Tas as he saw her leaving the place. "Sir" Michael called him out. Zaviyar turned to him and hummed. "Want me to deal with her?" he asked. "What? Why?" Zaviyar asked as felt a thud in his chest. "Cause, no one's ever had the guts to look right into your eyes. And this girl not only looked right into your eyes but also yelled at you." he reasoned.

"She claims that I made her life so messed up." Zaviyar says. "So, let's make it even messier." He murmurs. "Huh?" Michael asks. Zaviyar turns to him and says, "I want every single detail about her." he orders. Michael gave him a nod and left for his task. A sly grin formed on his face. "Let's see, how you can deal with a typhoon so easily." he murmurs and leaves the cafe.

★Author's Note★  Hope you all enjoyed the chapter. See ya on the next one! •_•

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