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Megan Pov

"You done drawing that little cartoon yet? It's almost that tiimmmee," my coworker and best friend, Jaela, teased.

"Shut up, I'm done anyways," I said as I admired the little anime cartoon a drew on the cup. I really hope she likes this one.

I worked at a small coffee shop across the street from my college campus. Not a lot of people would come to this shop, they preferred starbucks or the big chain coffee houses.

It didn't bother me though. It was a chill job and we rarely had rushes.

Every Tuesday and Thursday, the most beautiful girl I have ever laid my eyes on would come in and order either an iced chai tea latte with oat milk or green tea with lavender.

Her name was Beyoncé and she always came in at the same time: 1:15pm

Saying I had a crush in her was an understatement. It was crazy because the only conversations we've had consisted of me greeting her and taking her order.

I did small things to let her know that I was interested, but the main thing I would do was draw a little anime picture on her cup.

After the first time I did it, her face was priceless. She looked so happy and that smile was just too beautiful. I knew from then on that it would be something I continued to do.

I would either draw it before she came in or while her drink was being made. I just made sure that there was always something on it.

Today, I drew a picture of me giving her flowers with little hearts around us. There was absolutely no way she didn't know that I was interested.

"I don't understand why you just won't ask her out on a date or give her your number," Jaela said as she leaned against the counter.

I let out a long sigh. We go through this every Tuesday and Thursday. "Jaela I already told you this a million times. I do it because it obviously makes her happy. I want to see if I actually have a chance with her before I do any of that serious stuff."

Just as I finished, the bell on the door sounded. I looked towards the door and instantly melted into a puddle.

Beyoncé walked in and it felt like everything moved in slow motion. Her honey-blond hair bounced with every step she took. Her face was glowing. Her body looked amazing in the skirt and crop top she had on.

Boy the things I would do to her.

"Hi," she said to me with a cute smile once she approached the register.

"Hi what can I get for you today?" I said as calmly as I could.

She giggled, "Uh, well that's the thing. I want to try something new. You seem like someone with great taste, so could you surprise me?" Beyoncè asked and I saw a glimmer of hope in her eye.

Hell I would wipe her ass if she asked me to.

"Yeah of course. What kind of drink are you in the mood for. Hot? Cold? Sweet or not too sweet?" I asked with a smile.

"Something sweet for sure, and definitely something hot," she said with a wink.

A wink????

Is she flirting with me?

"I think I know just the thing. Don't worry about paying. It's on me today beautiful," I said and mentally screamed. I did not mean for that to come out.

She blushed and tucked her hair behind her ear. "Thank you Megan." Damn my name sounds so sexy coming from her.

Wait, how she know my name?

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