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Megan Pov

I got out of the taxi in my army uniform pants and green t-shirt. I am finally back home in Houston after being gone for three years.

I only had my momma left and a couple of friends so I was eager to see everyone, but most importantly my mom.

My excitement grew as I stood in front of my childhood home with a duffel bag and two suitcases in my hand.

I didn't want to wait anymore so I walked up the driveway to the front door. I pulled the key out of my pocket and unlocked it.

My mom had no idea that I was coming so I was excited to see her reaction.

As I opened the door I heard laughter. I could tell one person was my mom, but I couldn't make out the other voice.

I set my bags down and closed the door behind me.

"Wow you really can't cook for shit," I heard my mom say. I've missed her voice so much.

"Mama Holly don't be so mean," the other voice said. It was another woman, and I can't lie, her voice sounded angelic. It was soft but had a heavy accent to it.

I made my way into the kitchen and leaned against the doorframe as I watch my mom and the mysterious woman trying to cook. Their backs were turned towards me so I couldn't really the woman's face.

After a couple of minutes of them not noticing me, I decided to make my presence known.

I cleared my throat loudly making them jump out of their skin. They turned around and my momma screamed.

"My baby," she cried as she ran over to me and hugged me tightly. I wrapped my arms around her and placed my head on her shoulder as we cried.

The position was a little awkward considering how much taller I was than my mom, but I didn't mind. I was just happy to be with her again. She's my best friend.

My mom pulled away from the hug and grabbed my face with tears going down her cheeks. "Now, why the hell didn't you tell me your tall ass was coming?" I let out a watery laugh at her tone.

"I wanted to surprise you," I smiled and she pulled me back into the hug.


When we heard that, we pulled away and looked at the source of the sound.

She was gorgeous.

"Oh shit my bad. This seems like a private moment. I can just go—"

"No, you're fine Bey. Let me introduce y'all," my mom said then wiped her tears and I did the same.

"Beyoncé, this is Megan. She is my daughter that I've been telling you about. She's 26 and has been in the army since, well, a little bit before you and your mom came. Megan, this is Beyoncé Knowles and she is 24. She lives in the house across the street with her mom," she explained.

"Nice to meet you Beyoncé," I said and held out my hand for her to shake. She giggled and pulled me into a hug.

I felt electricity shoot through my whole body.

"Sorry but we do hugs where I come from. Also, you can call me Bey if you want," she said happily as she pulled away from me.

If you looked up the definition of sunshine, a picture of Beyoncé would probably pop up.

"It's fine with me. What are you two cooking up?" I asked as I leaned against the counter.

"Well we are—" "You ain't cookin shit. Megan, I am cooking chicken and rice with broccoli. That fool ain't doing nothing but starting fires," my mom said and I started laughing hard as fuck.

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