Codex 0: Sequentia II: Fragmentum XIII: Answer between their thighs

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"I am fine. But Seraphina, what happened to you?

"Are you eating properly?

"You look like you haven't slept well. What's with this room and all these papers?

"What have you been doing?

"Everyone has been worried about you," Elizabeth barraged her concerns as she approached Sera's desk.

"Haha, sorry for worrying you guys. It's just that I was busy with something. But it's fine now. I'm done with it." Sera smiled ruefully.

"So, why did you come here? I thought you'd be joining the assembly?"

"I was. But the Matriarchs have summoned you to the assembly. They asked me to get you."

"Me? why?" Sera looked confused.

"No idea." Elizabeth shrugged. "Any thoughts?"

"Hmm," Sera pondered, but soon gave up, shrugging helplessly, "I can't think of a reason."

"No matter, it is still good. I was thinking of meeting the Matriarchs anyway. Let's go." Sera got up from her seat.

"Stop right there, young lady." Elizabeth stood sternly with her arms folded.

"What is it?" Sera asked, puzzled.

"What do you mean by 'what'? Are you planning to attend the assembly looking like this?" Elizabeth asked.

Sniff, sniff.

"Eewh! You stink. How many days has it been since you took a bath?" Elizabeth covered her nose.

"Ah! I don't remember." Sera tried to recall in vain.

"First, take a bath and get properly dressed."

"But they are waiting..." Sera trailed off.

"Go now." Elizabeth shouted.

"Yes, ma'am." Sera dashed off.

"Haaa," Elizabeth shook her head, sighing. "Her condition is serious. But it seems like she's had a breakthrough now." Elizabeth smiled gently.

Sera quickly refreshed herself while Elizabeth arranged some light snacks to temporarily fill her stomach.

Once ready, Sera gathered some documents from the mess of papers on her table and headed to the assembly, with Elizabeth accompanying her.


Sera and Elizabeth began to walk through the castle moving through the corridors of the inner courtyard.

On their way, Elizabeth inquired, "What exactly have you been so busy with lately?"

"I've been planning for my future."


"Yes, since I can't seem to use magic, I've been contemplating how I should live my life from now on."

"Oh!" Elizabeth's eyes widened in realization. "Then, did you come up with a good idea?"

"Yes. I want to discuss it with the Matriarchs."

Elizabeth was taken aback, "You want to discuss your future with the matriarchs? That too in the assembly? Don't you have to talk to your mothers and fathers? You need someone of Matriarch's status for this?"

"Well, my proposal involves our entire hive. So, yes."

"What are you planning to do?" Elizabeth squinted her eyes.

"Hu hu hu, it's a secret." Sera said with a smug face.

"Even for me?" Elizabeth strangled Sera's neck jokingly. "Come on, out with it."

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