Draco's Patronus

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"Draco?" Hermione whispered breaking the silence that surrounded them.

"Hmm," Draco mumbled back in response, "What's your Patronus?" she asked quietly and curiously.

"Bloody hell woman it's 2 in the morning," Draco muttered back in a low and husky voice.

"I know I was just thinking," Hermione protested. "Go back to bed," inquired Draco barley above a whisper.

"Promise you'll tell me tomorrow?" Hermione asked with a big yawn.

"Mmhm" was all that Draco said.

------ Morning------

It was a beautiful day, well it would be a beautiful day if Draco wasn't woken up by the sound of a hair dryer, again. Hermione protested that she have muggles items in the house and of course, Draco being a gentlemen and respecting his wife allowed such weird contraptions. He never understood why Hermione did it the long way instead of just using a simple spell. Seriously she even cooked the muggle way.

Hermione looked in the mirror at her now flattened down hair, it wasn't as frizzy anymore it just had soft curls, and she smiled. Draco watched and thought of how much he loved he beautiful and intelligent wife. He was awestruck.

-----Late Afternoon-----

They were sitting on the couch together watching TV. Draco quite liked this muggle device and enjoyed all the programs it showed. They were currently watching a new movie called 'The Mummy' it was very interesting but always unrealistic, as Draco would put it.

"So," Hermione started, "Now can you tell me?"

"Tell you what?" Draco asked obviously distracted by the weird sequence of events happening on the black screen.

"What your Patronus is of course," she answered as if it were obvious.

At this Draco froze up now determined to get Hermione off of this subject. He had hoped she had forgotten about this little question since last night, apparently not. It wasn't that he was embarrassed or ashamed of his Patronus, no he actually quite liked it, it was just that he had never performed it in front of anyone else before and he wasn't sure how Hermione would react.

"Why are you interested, love?" he asked kindly as to keep reason.

"Well you know mine and after all it's not like a big secret, it really just came to me last night," Hermione answered.

"I don't think that-"it was just like Hermione to know when Draco was about to protest something, so naturally she cut in.

"Oh come on Draco, please?" Hermione pleaded.

"Maybe some other day," was all Draco said as he got up and left the room leaving Hermione confused.

It had been 3 days since Hermione had asked Draco about his Patronus. She had been nagging him about it ever since and whenever the subject came up he would say a short answer and make a quick exit. Hermione was beginning to get very suspicious.

"Look Hermione I just don't feel like it's that big a deal," Draco argued once again.

"Oh come on Draco just tell me, it is literally only 1 word," Hermione retorted.

"Fine," Draco finally gave him. He grabbed his wand out from his back pocket and said "Expecto Patronum" as soon as the words left his lips a blue light shot out from the end of his wand and danced until it reached the other side of the room and formed an animal Hermione didn't imagine. It was an otter. Draco watched intently as it danced and Hermione was star struck by the dancing otter that was now air swimming around her. The blue otter slowly disappeared and Hermione stared at the space it had just occupied, open mouthed. Draco watched Hermione carefully wanting to see her reaction. He was worried she would freak out or over react, but to his surprise, she smiled. A great big smile spread across her face and she turned to Draco and practically tackled him back onto the couch.

"Oi what was that for?" Draco asked very flustered.

"Sorry, sorry I just thought it would be romantic," Hermione said.

They both burst out laughing at this and sat back up again.

"I can't believe that you waited this long to tell me you Patronus was an otter, Draco," Hermione said after a while.

"I know, I just didn't know how you would take it, I thought you would freak out." Draco confessed.

"Of course I would've. I love it." Hermione said through a great big smile. At this Draco allowed himself to smile back at her a genuine smile.

"Do it again." Hermione said referring to the Patronus. With a chuckled Draco grabbed his wand and the little blue otter returned. But now there were two. Draco looked beside him and saw that Hermione had produced her own Patronus. And they sat there, in complete silence, watching the two otters dance and play.

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