27|"At least...we are together."

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·:*¨༺ 𝐘𝐈𝐍 𝐏𝐎𝐕 ༻¨*:·

War and I walked side by side through the park. We passed a small open area where a few kids were skateboarding. War's eyes followed them with a smile.

"You know," he said, "I used to love skateboarding when I was younger. It's been a while since I have been on board, though."

I chuckled because I know about that. I then spotted a nearby skateboard rental station. "How about we rent some skateboards and give it a try?" I suggested.

War's eyes brightened with enthusiasm. "Sure! Let's do it!"

We rented two skateboards and headed back to the park. War tentatively stepped onto his board, trying to get a feel for it. I hopped onto mine with a bit more confidence.

War pushed off and tried to gain some speed but his balance wavered. Suddenly, he started to lose control and wobbled dangerously. Reacting quickly, I skated over and caught him just before he could fall, pulling him into my arms.

The moment froze as we made eye contact. War's eyes widened in surprise and my heart raced at the closeness.


I could feel his warmth and the steady beat of his heart against mine. I gently helped him steady himself, our faces just inches apart.

"You okay?" I asked softly,

War blinked, still caught in the moment. "Yeah...thanks. That was close."

I smiled, relieved that he was alright. "No problem."

He nodded, smiling shyly. "I guess I'm a bit out of practice."

We stood there for a moment longer, the park's background noise fading into the background as we held each other's eyes. Eventually, War took a step back and the tension slowly eased.

"Let's...get back to it," I said, trying to break the silence.

War's cheeks slightly flushed. "Yeah, let's do that."

We resumed our skateboarding. War seemed to gain more confidence with every push and I watched him with a smile. Occasionally, our paths crossed as we skated around the park.

As we skated side by side, I noticed War occasionally glancing at me. We tried tricks and stunts, sometimes failing but always laughing. At one point, War attempted a small jump off a curb. He wobbled but managed to land it.

He beamed with pride. "Did you see that? I actually did it!" He said excitedly.

I chuckled. "Nice one! You are getting the hang of it," I said, making his smile grow.

The way his lips curved into a smile, I couldn't help but think how beautiful it was. Like always. The way his eyes lit up, the genuine joy in his expression, it was like a burst of sunshine. I felt a warmth in my chest every time he laughed or looked at me with that smile.

Seeing him like this, so genuinely happy, was worth more than anything else in the world. I miss him...I really do...

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The sky started to darken and a light drizzle began to fall. War looked up. "Looks like we are going to get wet."

I glanced around and spotted a nearby gazebo. "Let's head to that gazebo over there," I suggested, pointing to the structure.

We quickened our pace but the rain came down harder, drenching us before we could reach the shelter. By the time we made it, both of us were soaked through and we couldn't help but laugh at the sudden downpour.

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