Chapter 13: The confession

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  "Hyung, wake up you sleepyhead!"
Felix was jolted awake by Ni-ki shaking his shoulder,
  "Hyung, get up! We’re gonna be late for school,"
Ni-ki's voice was way too chipper for this early.
Felix groaned, trying to blink the sleep out of his eyes. Yesterday’s awkward moment with Hyunjin hit him like a ton of bricks the second he opened his eyes.
  "Alright, alright, I'm getting up,"
Felix mumbled, dragging himself out of bed. Ni-ki was already dressed, bouncing around with way too much energy for someone who probably just woke up.
As Felix pulled on his uniform, he couldn’t stop thinking about how he bolted from the café. Does Hyunjin know about his feelings? He felt a knot in his stomach just imagining it,
  "You good, hyung?"
Ni-ki asked, noticing Felix zoning out,
  "Yeah, just... stuff on my mind,"
Felix said, trying to shake it off,
  "Well, hurry up! We can't be late,"
Felix nodded, finishing getting ready as quickly as he could. As they headed out the door, Felix tried to push yesterday out of his head, but it kept nagging at him, making him feel uneasy.


  "Alright, have a good day, Hyung!"
Ni-ki said, waving goodbye at Felix who was standing outside the classroom door. Felix smiles at Ni-ki and ruffles his hair with a quick goodbye. He then turned to head to his own class.
Felix sighs, trying to push his thoughts away and keep his head blank for a moment but he couldn't forget everything after what just happened yesterday.

Felix finally reached his class, his eyes scanning the room until it fell on Han and Taehyun who were talking. Han spots Felix near the doorframe and jumps out of his seat,
  "Lix~ what's good man!"
Han said, giving Felix a quick hug which he returned back,
  "Yeah, nothing much. Just... tired"
Felix responds coolly. Taehyun raised an eyebrow, sensing something was off,
  "You sure? You look like you didn't sleep at all,"
Felix chuckled weakly,
  "Just one of those nights, you know? You don't have to worry about me,"
Han and Taehyun exchanged a quick glance at eachother, but they didn't press any further. They both knew Felix well enough to give him some space when he seemed out of it. Han changed the subject, launching into a story about something ridiculous that happened to him that morning, which managed to get Felix to laugh a little.

Just as Han was about to finish his story, the classroom door swung open and Minho walked in. Han’s mood shifted almost instantly, his smile faded. Felix noticed the sadness creeping back in, the tension was thick. Felix just gave Han a quick, reassuring pat on the shoulder, knowing his friend was struggling but didn’t want to show it. Minho shot a quick glance their way before sitting down, and Han tried to jump back into the conversation, but Felix could tell it wasn’t the same. The weight of it all was still there...

After a few moments, Hyunjin entered the classroom, and Felix’s unease returned. Hyunjin spotted Minho and his friends, he started chatting with them, like nothing had happened. Felix kept glancing over, struggling with the tension. Han, too, felt isolated, and Taehyun noticed the awkward vibe,
  "Why are you two so quiet? Are there anything in your minds,"
Both, Han and Felix got alerted and felt a bit embarrassed how Taehyun had noticed. They both glance at eachother and chuckle awkwardly,
  "Nah, nothing major. Just thinking about some stuff..."
Felix replied and Han nodded, trying to keep it light,
  "Yeah, same here. Just a bit distracted today, I guess..."
Taehyun had already noticed that something was wrong by the way their voices just trailed off, but he didn’t push it any further.
Just like that, the day dragged on with the group of friends just casually chatting and attending lectures. Everything seemed normal, not totally though...

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