Chapter 8

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Chapter 8: Hanging Man's Grip

"I'm paralyzed, unable to move or speak, and my vision is blurred by tears. Every breath hurts, and my mind feels foggy. I'm nauseous and disoriented, desperate to escape this nightmare. I glance to my left, but there's no one beside me, just a tangled mess of covers stained with blood and sweat. My body feels heavy, weighed down by an invisible force, as I struggle to sit up.

"Time loses meaning as I stare blankly at my clenched fists, my knuckles white with tension. I don't remember hearing the water running, his footsteps, or his voice calling my name. But then, he touches my shoulder, and I snap out of my trance. His audacity ignites a fury within me, and I grab his alarm clock, striking him three times with a sickening crunch. I wish I could have hit him harder, smashed his skull like a rotten pumpkin.

"But his friend appears out of nowhere, pulling me off him and pinning me against the wall. The grip is tight, leaving bruises on my arms that bloom like dark flowers.

I stare into
Thomas Edward Hoodie's face, his eyes cold and unyielding...
The hanging man. Oh how the irony is almost laughable now.
I wanted to spit in his face, claw his eyes out, make him suffer as I have suffered. Oh jack....But I'm trapped, restrained, and helpless once again."

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 17 ⏰

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