A stone for an Army

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We finally arrived t the House of Greyjoys.

I walked infront of their castle while the Wakandans were behind me.

Yarra Greyjoy walks outside the castle.

"When you said you were gonna give me twice army as mine, i didn't believe you." She began. "So, im not surprised that that you have not even a close half of my army." She said while walking towards me.

She looked behind me and i did too. I looked back at her and said, "well, you turned down that offer did you not?" I asked. She chuckled softly.

"It's not bad for someone who has nothing." She said looking at the Wakandans behind me.

"Our deal, you give me your army and ill give you Vibranium." I said going straight to the reason why i came here. "Meaning, you have the Vibranium?" She asked. I looked behind me and signed Brogario to show her the Vibranium.

Brogario opened the basket and showed her the vibranium. "You give me your army and create an allegiance with me." I said looking at the Vibranium then to Yarra. Yarra was amazed. "I didn't actually expect you would--" She stopped talking. She reached out for me and and i held hers. We shook our hands and lowered it down.

She looked behind her and signed her army to go behind me. "Take good care of my army, tell me if you need any help from me." She said looking at me.

"Now that we have each other, if i call on you, you answer me. If you call on me, i answer you." She added. "Im looking forward on this war your talking about." She said slightly nodding.

I nodded back. "I am glad to hear that. This isn't the number of army i expected, all because of you. Thank you, Yarra Greyjoy." I said looking at her. She nodded. "Well, if it comes to universes, how can i say no?" She said smiling.

"Will you be staying here for tonight?" She asked. I shook my head, "i will be immediately start searching for another alliance i can find, Yarra." I said. "You're really that determined for the war?" She asked. I nodded, "once i made enough alliance with the people i think i need, i will gather all of of you in a same place and discuss about the war." I said.

She nodded. "Be careful on your journey." She said. I lowered my head and i looked back. I signed my army to follow me as i walk away from the Castle Greyjoy.

Where to now, Fontaine? I asked myself.

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