15. the ballet

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Louis woke up the next morning with a goofy smile on his face, the kind that only comes after a night like the one he'd shared with Harry. The memory of their rooftop kiss, the warmth of Harry's hand in his, and the comfort of being wrapped in each other's arms under the Parisian sky made him feel like he was floating.

As he stretched, his phone buzzed on the nightstand. It was a text from Harry.

**Harry**: *Morning, beautiful. Did you sleep well?*

**Louis**: *Like a baby. Still thinking about last night... you?*

**Harry**: *Can't stop smiling. I might need surgery to remove this grin. What's your plan for today?*

Louis paused, biting his lip. He had ballet practice at the Opera House today, and as much as he wanted to spend more time with Harry, this was something he couldn't miss. But then again, he couldn't help but want Harry to be a part of this new chapter in his life.

**Louis**: *I've got ballet practice at the Opera House. Big day—Claire's going to introduce me to the team, and I'm a little nervous. You busy?*

**Harry**: *Not for you. Want me to come with you? Could be your personal cheerleader.*

Louis grinned, picturing Harry in a ridiculous cheerleading outfit, pom-poms and all.

**Louis**: *You'd make a terrible cheerleader, but I'd love that. I'll meet you in the lobby?*

**Harry**: *Deal. See you in a bit, ballerino.*

Shaking his head with a smile, Louis got out of bed and started getting ready. He knew today was going to be important. Claire had told him that the team at the Opera House was tough, and he'd have to bring his A-game. But knowing that Harry would be there, cheering him on, gave him a sense of calm he hadn't expected.

As he finished tying his ballet shoes, Niall poked his head into the room, looking bleary-eyed but curious.

"Morning," Niall mumbled, rubbing at his eyes. "You're up early."

"Got ballet practice," Louis replied, standing up and checking his reflection in the mirror. "Harry's coming with me."

Niall raised an eyebrow, smirking. "Harry, huh? Didn't waste any time, did ya?"

Louis rolled his eyes, though he couldn't keep the grin off his face. "Shut up. We're just hanging out. How about you? Any plans with Liam?"

Niall's smirk softened into a smile. "We've got a date tonight. Dinner, maybe a movie. Something chill."

Louis nodded, grabbing his bag and heading for the door. "Sounds good. Have fun. And don't do anything I wouldn't do."

Niall snorted. "That leaves me with a lot of options, mate."

Laughing, Louis headed downstairs to meet Harry. When he stepped into the lobby, he found Harry waiting for him, leaning against the wall with that easygoing smile that always seemed to melt Louis's insides.

"Hey, you," Louis greeted him, unable to keep the excitement out of his voice.

"Hey yourself," Harry replied, pushing off the wall and stepping closer. "Ready to show them what you're made of?"

Louis took a deep breath, nodding. "Yeah, I think so."

Harry reached out, giving his hand a quick squeeze. "You've got this, Louis. Just be yourself."

They headed to the Opera House together, chatting about everything and nothing as they walked through the Parisian streets. Louis felt a mix of nerves and excitement building in his chest, but every time Harry flashed him a reassuring smile, it helped to calm his racing heart.

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