19. zayn is here

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The morning sun filtered through the curtains of Louis's hotel room, casting a warm glow over the bed. Louis rolled over, blinking sleepily as he adjusted to the light. The memories of last night played on a loop in his mind—dancing under the stars with Harry, their shared laughter, and that kiss that still made his heart race. He could get used to this, he thought with a smile.

His phone buzzed on the nightstand, pulling him out of his daydream. He reached over and saw a message from Claire.

**Claire:** *Hey Louis! Guess what? The director loved your audition. They want you for the role of Romeo! Meet me at the Opera House in an hour. There's someone I want you to meet. xx*

Louis stared at the message, his eyes widening. Romeo? He actually got the role? He jumped out of bed, his heart pounding with excitement as he quickly got ready.

As he rushed out the door, he shot a quick text to Harry.

**Louis:** *I got the role! Romeo! I'm meeting Claire at the Opera House. Wanna celebrate later? x*

Harry's reply was almost immediate.

**Harry:** *I knew it! Congratulations, mon chéri. Can't wait to celebrate. See you soon. xx*

Louis couldn't stop grinning as he made his way to the Opera House. It felt like everything was falling into place, and he was more than ready for whatever came next.

When he arrived at the grand building, Claire was waiting for him in the lobby, looking as elegant as ever. She greeted him with a warm hug.

"Louis, you were amazing," she gushed. "I knew you'd get the role. The director was blown away."

"Thank you, Claire," Louis said, his voice filled with gratitude. "I can't believe it's actually happening."

"Well, believe it," she replied with a grin. "Because you're going to make an incredible Romeo. But before we dive into rehearsals, there's someone I want you to meet."

Louis followed Claire through the maze of hallways until they reached a rehearsal room. Inside, a man was standing by the window, his back turned to them. He had dark hair, styled effortlessly, and an air of quiet confidence that seemed to fill the room.

"Louis, this is Zayn," Claire introduced as the man turned around. "Zayn Malik, my boyfriend. He's a photographer and artist. He's been working with the ballet company on a few projects, and I thought you two would get along."

Zayn smiled warmly as he stepped forward, extending his hand. "Nice to meet you, Louis. Claire's told me a lot about you."

"Nice to meet you too," Louis said, shaking Zayn's hand. He couldn't help but notice how cool and collected Zayn seemed, with an easy charm that put him at ease.

"I saw your audition yesterday," Zayn continued. "You've got some serious talent. Can't wait to see you as Romeo."

"Thanks, mate," Louis replied, feeling a little bashful under the praise. "That means a lot."

They spent the next hour chatting, with Claire filling Louis in on the upcoming rehearsals and Zayn sharing some of his work with the company. Louis found himself liking Zayn instantly. There was something about him that felt familiar, like they could have been friends for years.

As they wrapped up their conversation, Claire glanced at her watch. "I've got to run, but you two should grab a coffee or something. I'm sure Louis would love to hear about your photography, Zayn."

Zayn chuckled. "I'd be up for that. What do you say, Louis?"

Louis nodded. "Sure, sounds good. I could use a coffee right about now."

They left the Opera House together, heading to a nearby café. As they walked, Louis couldn't help but feel like everything was falling into place. He had a new friend in Zayn, the role of a lifetime, and a blossoming romance with Harry. Life in Paris was turning out to be better than he'd ever imagined.

Once they were settled at a table in the café, coffee in hand, Zayn leaned back and smiled. "So, how are you finding Paris? It's a bit different from Doncaster, I imagine."

Louis laughed. "You could say that. It's been amazing, though. I mean, I never thought I'd end up here, dancing for the Opera House, meeting people like you and Claire... and Harry."

At the mention of Harry's name, Zayn raised an eyebrow. "Harry, huh? Claire mentioned something about you two hitting it off."

Louis felt his cheeks heat up. "Yeah, we've been spending a lot of time together. He's... well, he's pretty special."

Zayn smiled knowingly. "I can tell. He talks about you a lot when we hang out."

Louis blinked in surprise. "He does?"

"Yep. Seems like he's pretty smitten," Zayn said with a smirk. "But don't tell him I told you that. He likes to play it cool."

Louis grinned, feeling a warmth spread through his chest. "I won't say a word."

They chatted for a while longer, Zayn sharing stories about his work and his relationship with Claire. Louis found himself opening up more than he expected, talking about his dreams and the journey that had brought him to Paris. It felt good to have someone to talk to, someone who understood the world he was stepping into.

As they finished their coffee, Louis checked his phone and saw a message from Harry.

**Harry:** *Congrats again, mon cher. Can't wait to hear all about it tonight. Meet you at the café? xx*

Louis smiled, feeling a flutter of excitement.

**Louis:** *Definitely. I'll see you there. xx*

Zayn noticed the change in Louis's expression and chuckled. "That him?"

"Yeah," Louis admitted with a sheepish grin. "We're meeting up later to celebrate."

Zayn gave him a teasing nudge. "Go get him, Romeo."

Louis laughed, feeling a surge of confidence. "Thanks, Zayn. I will."

As they left the café, Louis felt a renewed sense of purpose. He was ready to take on whatever challenges came his way, both on and off the stage. And with Harry by his side, he knew it was going to be one hell of a ride.

{does this story make sense?}
SONG: Paris, Paris, Paris (by Joséphine Baker)

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