Chapter 1

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8 pm. Great. I got lost in my school work again, and now I'm paying for it by walking alone in this dark February night. Some parts of the city are already quiet, while others are as alive as possible. I walk through a thin alley to get to my apartment, but some drunk asshole stops me. ,,Hey hottie, wanna have some fun? Or should I accompany you home while holding hands?" He smiles at me smugly. The best thing about Prague, these drunk desperate burnouts.

I roll my eyes, annoyed and tired. ,,Go home and stop bothering innocent people. Oh wait- you don't have a home. Sorry!" I turn around and try to walk away from him, but he holds my hand and doesn't let go. ,,LET GO YOU DRUNK ASSHOLE!" I shout at him. ,,Nah, I don't think so. On the other hand, let's stay out here all night." I try kicking around but nothing helps. Apparently, even if that fucker is drunk, he is still stronger than me.

,,HELP ME! SOMEONE! PLEASE, HE IS TRYING TO RAPE ME!" Tears appear in the corners of my eyes, and just as he tries to take off my pants, someone clears his throat behind the rapist.

,,What is going on here?" The man asks in Czech with a faint American accent. The drunk bastard turns around to him, but only halfway so he could still hold me pinned to the wall. ,,Nothing buddy, we're just going to have some fun here, so mind your own fucking business."

I use the distraction and kick the dumbass in his balls. He cries out a bit, and I quickly walk over to the unfamiliar man. ,,Are you okay?" He turns to me. I look at him and nod, only now noticing how handsome he is. Brown hair, grey eyes - which look like clouds during rain - and freckles.

,,Good. Now I need you to step back, we don't want a pretty girl like you getting hurt in a fight." My cheeks start to get warm as I step back. Why am I blushing over a simple sentence?

Turns out during our little conversation the drunk man managed to put himself together, and is now prepared to throw some punches. ,,IDIOT! We guys don't cockblock each other, meaning you violated one of the main rules of boys' code. You're going to have to pay for that." He charges his right hand with those words and tries to punch the grey eyed guy, but he dodges his attack, so the drunk one falls down. And if that wasn't enough, the new man sits on him. Actually sits on him.

The realization hits me so quick I don't even get to process what is happening. That is not possible. It's been 10 years. I turn around from the fight. ,,Uh. Thank you very much for saving me, but I should really get going now, so I guess see you around? Thank you so much again bye!" I shout at him while almost running to my apartment.

I get there not even 5 minutes later. I run upstairs to get to the roof, my favorite place in this city. At night, you can see all of the lights on, as if guiding others throughout Prague. I lean on the railing, take a deep breath, and then sit on it. Watching the cars drive around, the people walking out of the clubs or just around the street, I allow myself to get lost in my thoughts and relax for the first time today.

~10 years ago~

You want to hear another Luke story? He asks me in the private chat. Gogogogo! I'll never get tired of these. He takes a little while, and then a message pops up. Okok. So one time, we were wrestling, and Luke tried to take me out. He challenged me, sayin how he'd win and I'd be a total loser. Obviously, he could never, so I took it. He charged his hand kinda tryin to punch me, but I took a LITERAL step to the side, so he fell and I SAT ON HIM. I start laughing out loud. NO WAY! THERE'S NO WAY THAT HAPPENED! He responds within seconds. YES WAY! Istg this guy is so weird.

I am still smiling when he offers we play another horror game; The intruder. One of his favorites. And I smile even wider when my two best friends join us, Aria and Sunny.

I feel something drop on my hand. It's a tear. I'm crying again, and it's because of a memory. A memory of him. What could he be up to? It's been 10 years since Roblox, I let myself wonder. Stop it. He's probably living somewhere, happy he forgot about me. Definitely, after I hurt him so much.

I decide it will be probably best to go to sleep, so I get up from the railing and walk towards the exit door. I walk down the stairs on the fifth floor and unlock my apartment.

The first thing I see is my ragdoll cat Queen. The second thing I see is my living room connected with kitchen. I walk over to the fridge and grab something quick to eat. Queen follows me.

,,Hi Queen! How have you been today? Did you miss me?" She looks at me and purrs. I pat her on her head and then give her some food. I'll just shower in the morning. After everything that happened today I just want to sleep. I close all the blinds on windows and then finally completely exhausted fall on my bed and sleep.


Author's note: The first chapter is done! Let us now know your first thoughts.

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