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A/N- here's a quick update for ya. Hope you like it. Love you guys. 



Ashley's POV

Alana and I were finally home, We just landed at the airport switching our phones over from "airplane mode" now so that we can call our mom to come get us. We hadn't received anything from the boys or Audrey yet considering the slightly major time difference between here and London. Throughout the plane ride, Alana showed and mentioned to me a few dozen times the guilt that was resting on her shoulders about not warning Audrey of our plan. I felt bad to after she said something not just for not warning Audrey but the boys as well. I know that they will forgive us, but they immense amount of pain they will feel is beyond anything I could ever imagine in their shoes.

We went to claim our luggage from the baggage claim and went to sit outside to wait. In the mean time we chatted and made a decision to Skype everyone later and intend to fully explain our leave of absence so suddenly without any explanation or goodbyes. This is all depending on if they want to or not considering the terms we're about to be on with them. I look over to see Alana staring off into space, not wanting to disturb her thoughts I pull out my phone and plug my headphones in turning on some music. Mom should be almost here since we don't live that far from the airport.

As if she was coincidentally reading my mind I see her slowly approaching. I nudge Alana and point to mom's car. We stand and grab our stuff and walk towards the car as she gets out to help us. After we get everything in the trunk, she hugs us and before you know it we're all a mess crying because of how long it's been since we last seen each other. After our little reunion we gather in the car and make our way home. I check the time on my phone looking back at Alana, she knows exactly what I'm implying without either of us having to say a word to the other. They should all be waking up now back at home home which means that we should be receiving some calls and texts in a little while. We plan to just ignore them until we skype them later on. "So momma what have you been up to since we last talked?" Alana asked to start some sort of conversation to distract our minds. "Oh nothing too much ya know just going out with friends and keeping myself entertained with whatever I can find to do when I'm not with friends." she said. She also mentioned her new "guy friend" she's been seeing for a while now.

We hounded her with questions on that and said we had to meet him while we were here; which was going to be for a month or more for now. Alana and I switched turns telling her all of our great adventures with our boys and Audrey. We needed to discuss when we wanted to fly everyone out here and later find out when the boys have another break from shows and interviews. As if they knew I was thinking about them, bam Alana and I's phones start blowing up with a million texts from everyone and I mean the whole group. El, Josh, Audrey, The boys, Sophia..literally everyone. I even got a text from Zayn asking where we went. I didn't understand why he cared to know since we haven't talk after he left the band for personal reasons. I guess the boys told him or maybe Audrey did. Who knows at this rate, they probably have a search party out looking for us which really wouldn't surprise me to say the least. We clearly told them we were leaving for a while just didn't say where. The one from Audrey said

" I'm a little disappointed in the fact you guys didn't warn me about this or take me along. Hope you are okay and I hear from you soon. Will miss you guys. xx."

"P.S Niall said come back and make breakfast!" I laughed at that one and showed Alana. She got sad for a minute reading the first part but laughed at Niall's words. She told me to tell her that we were all skyping later so that we can explain everything. I did just that. Harry just tried to call as I sent that to Audrey but I just let it ring not wanting to decline it and make him more hurt thinking I didn't want to talk to him. Thinking of what Niall said about breakfast at least they still have Audrey there; she can cook so they won't starve without us there. We finally arrived home, we got out and mom helped us with our bags and told us we still had our old rooms from before we moved to London. All she did was update the furniture but everything else had been left alone. We went our own ways and began to unpack our things. After I unpacked I grabbed my shower bag and some shorts and baggy T shirt and headed to shower. Even my bathroom was still the same. So many memories came flooding back since I've set foot in the door of just the house alone. To say the least we were definitely happy to finally be home again in such a long time.

The boys' thoughts

As we all woke up, we expected to smell breakfast cooking but there was nothing. Not even a single noise was being made throughout the house except us arising from our previous slumbers. We all headed downstairs to see what was going on. As we came into the kitchen Audrey brought a note and was reading it with tears in her eyes and a shocked expression on her face to go along with it. She then handed the note to us and we all huddled around to read it while she went about to make food. We read it and by the end we were all in the same state of emotion as her. Shocked and slightly hurt at the same time. We weren't so much hurt at the fact they left, it was more of the fact that they didn't mention a word about it to either of us. Alana didn't say a thing to Niall or Audrey cause we looked at them two first for some sort of reason. Then everyone look to Harry because of Ashley and He put his hands up in surrender saying he didn't know a single thing about it like the rest of us. We immediately all brought our phones out and texted them, we even sent Zayn a text just incase he might care to know even though we haven't spoken to him in a while since he left. Since we all had Iphones we knew when they read it, which they did but no replies. Finally as we gave up hopes of hearing anything Audrey got a response from Ashley. "We are skyping you all later if you want to that is so one of you be on." is all it said. well at least we get to see them and get, an explanation for all this. We are all just glad that they are ok.

A Love Like This... A Zayn Malik/ Harry Styles fanfic.Where stories live. Discover now