When the party was over I stay downstairs to help and pick hey you don't have to say down here and help us when I get if u what to go up and go to bed? Someone said and I look over to my like and see this cute boy with this batman hay on and I that's ok I can help you guys? He said ok and may the way my name is Liam what's your name? My name is hope and I'm perrie's sister. He said that's cool and maybe we can hang out sometime? I said that will be great. So we finish the living room and I went to my room and we I get in there the lights was out. So I went and turn-on the light when a hand pull me into the bed. And I know that's it's Niall and he pell me down in the bed with him, I said that I have to change. Niall said no you not I said to him yes I do and that's when he let me go and change into pj's and when I was in bed he was very close to me and he said what's your name? I said my name is hope he said that's a pretty name I said thanks and then he said to me goodnight hope see you in the morning.

My sister is in a band!
FanficHi my name is hope and I'm going to see my sister perrie in London!! Bet I don't know that she is in a band tell I was at her party and meet all of the girls and that's how this story starts. This little mix and one direction