When I went i to the room Niall was in the bed whiching TV and when I walk he ask what's wrong? I said to him I don't what to talk about. And with that I went out the door and I ask my sister where Louis rooms at? She said that his room is the late one at in of the hall I said thanks sis she said your welcome so I went upstairs and I went to open Louis door bet he opened it for me and and he said o hi hope didn't see you there and what's wrong? I said can we talk in your room? He said share so we walk into his room and I said you know how me and Niall went to the beach ? He said ya go on. I walk in to the living room and that's where Zayn was and he was talking to me very badly. He said where was you? I said I what does matter to you your not my father? And that's when he was about to hit me last night bet my sister walk in and she said to him don't you dare hit my little sister and that's when he went back to my sister room and that's when I went to your room. He said just to not pay attention to him. I said thanks Lou he said your welcome love. And when I walk back to nialls and my room he in the bathroom so I just changed into my PJ's and that when he walk out and went into the bed. And that's when I feel asleep.

My sister is in a band!
FanficHi my name is hope and I'm going to see my sister perrie in London!! Bet I don't know that she is in a band tell I was at her party and meet all of the girls and that's how this story starts. This little mix and one direction