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Harry stared at me, dumbfounded, but I wasn't done yet as I stood up, glaring fiercely at the boy. "And don't even get me started on Professor Lupin. You want to be let in on a secret, Potter? Professor Lupin is my father, my freaking father, yet while I was fading away into nothing, he was more concerned about you, who was in no immediate danger, just because there was a looming threat, when there is even a bigger threat looming over my head! So you don't get to come over here, saying that you aren't going to fight, because you've been so unfair to me and are too blind to see how everyone thinks you're the best, when you're not!"

My chest was heaving, and I was breathing rapidly, my gray irises burning with anger, smoldering with the flames of Olympus. With one last ferocious glare over my shoulder, I stalked off, heading back inside when he called after me.

"Wait, Scorpia!"

I turned back to him, my fists tightly clenched in a fist. "What Potter?" I snapped.

"I just—I wanted to apologize. For everything."

"Well," I spat, spinning on my heal and continuing back inside, only pausing for a second to glare back at him. "It's a little to late for that, isn't it?"

"Scorpia, please!" He begged, but I didn't give him the satisfaction of engaging as I stalked into the dark corridor. 

When I was a reasonable distance away, I slumped against the wall. I had exploded twice now, once with Harry, once with Draco, and if someone was counting the time in the Great Hall with Ron and Harry... 

I never exploded. I never yelled or shouted or screamed, and I definitely never refused an apology. Tears started to stream down my face as I glared up at the ceiling. What was wrong with me? What had happened? Why was I being effected so much, when no one else was? Percy wasn't snapping or yelling, nor was Annabeth, or Thalia. Ethan wouldn't have, well, no more than normal.

But I knew what he would say. I'm glad that you're standing up for yourself. It's something you should have done a long time ago, to protect yourself from people trying to walk all over you, then apologize and do it all again.

Would he have been wrong? Was I right to snap at Harry like I had? Was it right to yell at Draco just because I was jealous, or was it because he was being a bad person? Either way, I couldn't take anything back now, what was done was done, and I wasn't going to apologize, something that I would have done a year ago.

Ethan would have been proud, but I was sitting against a wall, crying, feeling like I should have that sick feeling in my stomach, yet I felt nothing. I was numb and proud.

I was broken because of the choices I had made. Choices either because I had to, or when I was younger, because I wanted to be a hero. 

"Come on, Scorp! When else will we get a time to go on a quest?" Draco asked. I sat there, contemplating it.

"I don't know, Draco. We're eleven, they're all, like, fourteen! Besides, we aren't even part of the quest!"

"The prophecy said—"

"I know what the prophecy said!"

"On the fullest moon you shall gain two more!" Draco exclaimed anyways. "Scorpia, that could be us!"

"And it might not be! Besides, you really want to go on this quest? One shall be lost in the land without rain? The bane of Olympus? The titan's curse must two withstand? One shall perish by a parent's hand? You really want to go?"

"Athena won't kill me, and if we avoid a desert or something—"

"Athena might not kill you, but Hecate might kill me!"

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