Character Info + Prologue

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Character Info:

Name: Cresta Westergaard

Age: 18(1), 23(2), 24(3)

Gender: Female

Hair Color: Black

Eye Color: Green

Birthmark(s)/Identifying Mark(s): Scar from her right cheek down to her collarbone (white/pinkish)

Overall Appearance: think of a hybrid of the HTTYD2 Astrid and older Heather from Race to the Edge (idk what to tell ya lmao)

Skills: Healing/Medicine, Archery, Free Climbing

Hobbies: Hiking, Free Climbing

Favorite Color: Green


Cresta's parents were friends of the Haddock's and of Gobber. As such, Cresta would be left in the care of Valka whenever there was a dragon attack, which was almost every night. When she was about 3 years old, a stormcutter had crashed into Stoik and Valka's home during an attack, into the room where Cresta and Hiccup had resided. The commotion from the home had distracted her parents from the fight, resulting in them perishing.

Unfortunately for Cresta, she was buried in some of the rubble as the stormcutter crashed its way in and out of the room. Stoik was able to get her out but some of the rubble had left her with a scar from her right collarbone to her right cheekbone that she'd have even as she grew up. She doesn't remember much of that night, only that that there was a dragon attack and that she had lost her parents which she would not understand fully until she had grown older.

As her parents were close with the Haddock's, Stoik took her in. It was admittedly not easy raising two kids on top of his responsibilities as Chief, but he found his way through it. Once Cresta was old enough, she would be trusted to watch over Hiccup, the two forming a sibling relationship as they grew up. Hiccup eventually understood what had happened to his mother and that he would eventually have to become the next Chief of Berk after his father.

Once Cresta was of age, she went into dragon training, learning to evade and defeat dragons with a few others. Part of her was thankful she wasn't chosen to kill the dragon at the end. Regardless of her training or what had happened to her parents, it never felt right. Silently, she had vowed to never kill a dragon, only defend herself until she could get away. So, to avoid joining in on the attacks, she would help heal the wounded with two other members of the village. She remained close to Hiccup, becoming a trusted confidant whenever he needed to vent about his father or the other villagers, or if he just needed a friend.

Hiccup was growing closer to being of age, which made her nervous for him. She noticed as he grew, he became more conflicted with their people's way of life. He was bright, undoubtedly, but bravery and strength were hurdles. He wanted to fight but was always either sent away or pushed aside by the other villagers, including his father. She convinced Gobber to let Hiccup help out in the smith shop after a few days of insistence. She knows his journey won't be easy, but she vows to be there for him as much as she can.

How To Train Your Dragon (2010) - OC InsertWhere stories live. Discover now