The Night Fury

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They head off back to the house, Hiccup trailing behind Cresta. Upon arrival, they go into their separate rooms to grab a few items.

Cresta was nervous about actively searching for the Night Fury. It was one thing to run, hide from, or even try to fight them. There's no telling what could happen if you try and look for them yourself. She never joined any of Stoick's quests because of this.

She straps her dagger onto her belt then grabs her bow and quiver. She heads back downstairs to find Hiccup ready and waiting. "Alright. Let's go find your dragon." He flashes a bright smile then leads the way out.

The two followed their previous path when they first came across the Night Fury. There weren't any immediate signs of the dragon, only the cut-up scraps from the bola Hiccup had released it from. Hiccup knelt down to examine the scraps, mumbling something to himself she didn't quite catch.

After looking around, she noticed a broken tree in the distance. "Looks like it went that way", she tells him, pointing towards it.

Hiccup looks in the direction she points out then looks back at her with a grin, "Come on!" He begins to rush towards that direction with Cresta following closely behind him.

As they start coming across more broken tree branches and roughed-up ground, Cresta grows more nervous. She takes her bow and knocks an arrow onto it as a precaution. Continuing to follow the trail, they came across a small, rocky tunnel that seemed to lead to somewhere just out of sight. They cautiously make their way through it and come upon what looks to be an isolated cove.

They both look around taking in the sight. Cresta's hold on her bow and arrow relaxes, allowing the arm holding onto it to fall to her side as she takes in the scenery. As Hiccup scans the area, he looks back down at the ground in front of him noticing a black scale by his feet. He bends down to pick it up, turning it over in his fingers. Cresta notices his change in attention and looks at what he has in his hand. "Looks like we're in the right place", she tells him, with a grin of her own this time.

"So we found a scale... but where's the dragon?", he asks.

It was then that said dragon decided to show up, blasting past the entrance to the cove where they stood. They both let out a shocked gasp then duck down, not wanting to be spotted by the dragon. Cautiously, they poked their heads out to try and see what it was doing. They watch as it struggles to climb the high walls of the cove, flapping its wings to avail. It gives up, peeling away for a rough landing on the grass below.

Hiccup is excited to see the Night Fury again whereas Cresta grows nervous once more, remembering the previous encounter. She brings her bow back in front of her, ready to position herself if needed. They watch as it tries to fly up and out of the cove but falls sideways and back down to the ground. Hiccup quickly reaches into the bag he had brought with him, taking out his sketchbook and a charcoal stick. He starts drawing the outline of the dragon, trying to get every detail he can.

"Why doesn't he just fly away?", he asks turning to Cresta in question.

Cresta looks at his drawing then back to the dragon a few times. The Night Fury's tail faces towards them while it tries to grab a fish from the small lake. That's when she sees it. "His tail... Half of it is gone."

Hiccup deflates as he rubs away the charcoal making up half of the tail, the image now matching the dragon in front of them. "I did that..."

Cresta places a hand on his shoulder. "You didn't know."

Hiccup only shrugs in response. He moves to place his charcoal stick to lay on his sketchbook only for it to slide off and tumble its way down onto the cove floor. Cresta covers her mouth to stifle her gasp. Slowly, they look back over to the Night Fury and see it looking back at them.

How To Train Your Dragon (2010) - OC InsertWhere stories live. Discover now