Niall Forced To Perform

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Niall's POV
"Are you ready Niall?" Liam asked me as we were about to go onto the stage.
"No. My leg's broken."
"We don't have a choice," Louis reminded me and I knew that the pain in his eyes was the same that was in my heart.
"I know Louis. I'm sorry."
"Don't apologise Niall."
"We'll get through it together."
"Together," I said, and Louis kissed my cheek before he rested his head against mine.
"Come on Niall," Liam said, and the lights changed. I went with the boys onto the stage.

After The Show

News Report
"One Direction performed in LA last night, but fans have been left very upset by the show. The boys performed and interacted with the fans really well, but their fans were shocked to see Niall performing on the stage on crutches. The Irish-born singer was reported missing last week, only to be found by 2 of his bandmates at the bottom of a cliff in Ireland. He spent 3 days in hospital after receiving an operation to put steel pins into his leg.

But the questions remain about why was Niall performing so soon? Has the show negatively impacted his health? And some fans are even speculating that the boys were forced to perform against their wishes."

Niall's POV
"The fans are right. As always," I said as the news report finished. "Argh," I winced as I moved my hand to my leg.
"Are the painkillers working Niall?"
"They're starting to," I said before my biggest worry came into my mind. "What if this damages my leg? I need it to heal correctly."
"The doctor said that you can put weight on it."
"But I have to take it easy. Argh," I groaned and Liam sat next to me. "Can't we report the management for abuse?"
"We signed a legal contract Niall. It won't stand up in court."
"I would do anything to end our contracts now," I said before a tear ran down my face.
"Is it the pain Niall?" Liam asked and I nodded.
"Just breathe."
"Deep breaths," Harry said as he knelt in front of me. "You need to take some painkillers halfway through the show tomorrow."
"Tomorrow, fuck."
"This is cruel," Louis said before he left the room.
"Where's he going?"
"You had better go after him Liam."
"I'm on it," Liam said, and he left as Harry sat beside me.

Louis's POV
Liam found me smoking outside of the fire exit of the building.
"Louis. I was worried that you..."
"Was going to punch someone? No, I want to kill them," I told Liam before I threw my cigarette on the floor and put it out with my foot. "They abandoned Niall to die, then they dragged him out of a hospital bed to perform on a broken leg. I want to fucking kill them."
"You're not going back inside before you calm yourself down Louis," Liam said as he blocked the door.
"I am calm. It's why I was smoking and not holding a crowbar. I want to get back to Niall."
"You love him don't you?" Liam asked unexpectedly, and tears filled my eyes.
"So what if I do?" I asked as I looked down.
"When did you know?"
"When he was missing. When I realised that he could be dying, it made my heart go cold."
"Then let's make sure that he's doing alright."
"Yeah," I said and Liam wrapped his arm around me. I put my arm around him and we walked back into the venue to find Niall.

Four more shows passed, and after each one Niall was in considerable pain. It tore my heart to watch, knowing there was nothing I could do to make the situation better: and my hatred for our management grew. Niall was at risk of permanently damaging his leg if it didn't heal properly, and the ones being paid to manage our careers were abusing our lives.

The Interview

Soon, we didn't have a concert to perform for 5 days so instead we had back to back press. Niall was able to sit down for most of the interviews, which was a great relief to us all.

However, a stern conversation from our management had made my blood boil, and today, an interviewer decided to go off script.
"What the fans really want to know Niall, is why are you performing on stage with a broken leg?" The interviewer asked and we all looked at Niall. He kept his composure as he answered the question.
"Well, my doctor said that I am able to put my weight on it, and as a band we don't want to cancel 6 weeks worth of shows."
"We all have Niall's back and we make sure that he's happy to perform before every show," Harry added.
"Despite all of our fame and the pressure there is to perform, we won't do so if it risks our health," Liam lied. We didn't have a choice.
"Exactly. I love our fans, but if performing would risk my health I wouldn't do it. So don't worry, I'm well enough to perform."
"That's really good to hear," The interviewer said and she picked up her script to carry on. For me however, My anger boiled up so much that I felt that I had to say something.
"We do take our health very seriously, but work doesn't stop for us. Even when Niall goes missing for 3 days and he has to undergo orthopaedic surgery."
"Ok," The interviewer said after a moment and I turned to see that all the boys were looking at me. "So, on the tour how do you all enjoy downtime? How do you relax?"
"What I like to do is..." Harry said and I tried to focus back on the interview.

But I remembered the boys' looks. Niall and Liam had looked worried, while Harry had held his composure.

Soon, the interview ended. The interview that would cost me my life.

 The interview that would cost me my life

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