Chapter 7

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In the next night when waking from his stone sleep, Ravage went out when hearing Thailog calling for him, knowing he had to face his father again, his stomach growling from not having eaten in the past night.

Thailog and Demona were both there, Ravage entering the living room of Gen U Tech that Sevarius set up for their little 'family.' Ravage trembled all over, seeing them standing there, looking rather stern.

The dark gargoyle clone folded his arms, Ravage swished his tail as he shrunk down, Thailog beginning to speak.

"Well, my sweet cherry? Have you thought about what you have done last night?" Thailog asked in a soft deadly voice.

Ravage's eyes glazed over again, erasing his memories again a lot more, swaying a little. "Yes, please, Father. I-I won't be so gentle on... humans as much anymore..."

His body slumped from his hunger as well as the trigger hypnotic word, Demona quickly catching him, then rubbing his stomach that made a low rumble.

"I suppose you have learned your lesson enough for food." Demona purred, cupping his face in her hands.

Thailog at first was against the idea but then agreed. "Very well then. Come on, cherry."

Ravage smiled, eager to both eat and get more praise from his parents. He walked after them into the kitchen where Sevarius had his cook make some food for their special guest. Ravage sat at the table and given a plate full of meat, bread, and such.

He looked up at his 'parents,' Thailog beckoning Ravage to eat. Ravage did so, grabbing a chicken leg, ripping into it, feeling so famished. Demona watched, liking to see Brooklyn's head brought down to where he would obey any command they gave him. This was much better than an instant spell. Nobody would probably never ever break Brooklyn out of this.

Thailog folded his hands together, watching his puppet eating ravenously. "So? How is your meal, little cherry?" He crooned, Ravage looking up, swallowing down the bread he had, eyes growing glazed over again.

"Tastes good... Father..." Ravage said in a slurred voice, taking a drink of his milk, grateful he was now allowed to eat anything.

"And you won't do anything that causes you this banquet, hmm?" Thailog asked next in his slick manner, causing Ravage to swallow his food and shake his head quickly no.

Demona then had an idea, whispering softly to Thailog on how they could brainwash Ravage even further about humans. Thailog grinned at the idea, a hand on hers. "We get along so well, don't we?" He questioned silently.

He next continued to Ravage. "Ravage, in order for you to do well in your next task for me, we wish to teach you even more about humans. Goliath may have taught you what he thinks he knows, but me and Angel here know better."

Ravage twitched his ears, wondering what they could be. "Does that mean... humans are bad?" He asked softly.

Demona nodded. "Of course they are. Did your former father really implant such idiotic notions of humans being virtuous into your head, son?"

The red gargoyle tensed, his eyes moving about. Was that really what happened? His brain was so terribly fuzzy, it was hard to remember. He supposed it was true, so he nodded.

Demona got up, going over to take Ravage into her arms. "My poor dear child. Don't worry, you'll be normal again soon. We'll help you relearn our ways of dealing with those humans."

Ravage smiled into her hug, small tears coming down from his eyes while Thailog laughed silently in an evil way. He was having too much fun. "And Angel, perhaps you can be Ravage's fighting teacher whenever I am not here sometimes. What do you think?"

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