Operator blue: Love hate

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(Andrew): Man I'm beginning to hate being one of the youngest in the group *he took a bite out of his food as everyone was chatting in the group* (Water): so never tried skate boarding? (Diana): Never what is this skate of the board? (Thomas): So you like animals right Jess? (Jess): Yes Thomas and you know that (Thomas): I mess with iguanas (Jess): so you like reptiles? (Thomas): What's a reptile? 

(Landon): So I was thinking maybe you should create different suits for a different situation (Barbara): that would make sense, and should be doable (Landon): I have some great ideas in my head already (Keenan): Karen I found this new dance and I think you'll like it (Karen): umm Ion know Keenan (Keenan): stop being so shy (Quincy): Kara what part of I didn't do the damn homework do you not understand.

(Kara): HOW DID YOU NOT DO IT, ITS WORTH LIKE 25% OF OUR GRADE! (Quincy): 25!? *he took out a pencil and the homework* (Michael): feels like its missing something.. (Zee): how about you take a break Michael, your gonna overwork yourself (Andrew): this sucks *he got up walking off to throw his trash away and turned around bumping into Michael* (Michael): what's good bro you good?

(Andrew): Yeah I'm fine dude.. (Michael): . . . come with me I got something for you and Landon, so grab him and meet me at base *Michael walked off as Andrew walked over towards Landon grabbing him by the ear pulling him as he yelped in pain* (Landon): MY EAR, WHATEVER I DID I'M SORRY (Andrew): just come with me dude (Jess): uhh I gotta be back Thomas *Jess ran off as Hal ran off following her also* (Thomas): I don't like this Hal Jordan guy one bit... (Water): Thomas we're thinking of hitting up the mall you wanna come? (Thomas): You guys go ahead I think I gotta check something...

 (Water): Thomas we're thinking of hitting up the mall you wanna come? (Thomas): You guys go ahead I think I gotta check something

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At the base

(Landon): What did you call us here for Michael? (Michael): First off I wanted to get Andrew away from the others cause he clearly felt... (Michael): out of place... (Andrew): I said I was fine dude wasn't anything (Michael): body language says something else, anyways I wanted to talk about this problem *Michael pulled up something on the computer as red and blue lightning struck causing the camera to static for a bit* (Michael): for a bit I had thought these guys were lost since last time I checked, they went back to space.

(Landon): Woah what are these bad boys? (Andrew): I gotta admit, these things would go hard in a album cover

(Landon): Woah what are these bad boys? (Andrew): I gotta admit, these things would go hard in a album cover

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