The legacy that was fated to happen part 2

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(Barbara): Ugh *Barbara stopped typing on the computer and looked at the others* (Barbara): I looked all over the cameras and haven't seen any of them (Zee): is there really nothing we can do to find him? (Quincy): Oh I know, how about we use his phone (Keenan): yeah Michael always keeps it charged (Thomas): I already checked that and his phone is either off or its bugging out cause it says its right here.

(Diana): Then we must cover territory (Water): alright everyone split up, Andrew I want you in the air (Water): Thomas and Keenan,Jess and Karen y'all take the streets (Quincy): I'll look in the ocean but I doubt he'll be there (Water): Kara your with Andrew in the air (Water): Diana with me and finally Barbara and Zee (Zee): hm? (Water): Y'all find Landon (Water): we need Landon, without him no megazord.

(Water): And our chances of finding Michael is lower (Barbara): you got it (Zee): fine with me (Water): good now lets go get our friend back (Thomas): hey guys what's this beeping thing supposed to mean? *they all looked at the computer as Barbara pulled up the feed* (??): come on now rangers why the long game (??): come out and face us (Water): I'm gonna assume that's Psycho blue and Psycho pink (Thomas): you think there's a green one?

(Water): Maybe but for right now we gotta lock in *Water took out his Morpher* (Water): MAGICAL SOURCE, MYSTIC FORCE!


With Landon

(Landon): Okay with this it should work *Landon grabbed a wire connecting it to something but it sparked making him back up*(Landon): damn it, I thought that would work *Landon dusted off his hands and grabbed a water bottle downing it* (Landon): how the hell am I going to beat Shareef who has Psycho reds powers (Landon): maybe if I had a different red ranger form, but Michael's gone.

(Landon): And I have no idea how the other Morpher works, minus dino thunder and jungle fury Morpher's (Landon): but he hasn't made them *Landon heard a beep sound making him sigh and sit down* (Landon): yeah yeah I know, but its like if Michael was the red ranger (Landon): wouldn't we by now have like so many Morpher's unlocked (Landon): wouldn't we not be in this situation? (Landon): Michael would have been red, Shareef would have been blue.

(Landon): Dymo would have been pink and Lukas would have been black (Landon): i-its like why am I even trying when I'm so far behind (Landon): i-its stupid *Landon sighed and looked down and then looked up wiping ink from his face* (Landon): damn it bruh *Landon heard knocking on his door and walked over seeing Barbara and Zee* (Barbara): what's up Landon? (Landon): I understand why Barbara is here but why you Zee?

(Zee): They told me to come here (Landon): well I don't give a damn, I'm not apologizing or anything (Zee): and this is why I didn't want to come here (Landon): well no one said you had to come here (Zee): I was forced too (Barbara): BOTH OF YOU STOP FIGHTING AND GROUP HUG TIME GUYS! *she brought them both into a huge as Zee and Landon looked away* (Landon): fine have you guys gotten any idea where Michael is?

(Barbara): No but the others are busy looking for him, and hiding from the Psycho rangers (Landon): what? (Zee): Turns out there was a blue and pink one (Landon): yeah I knew that but it doesn't make sense unless.. *Landon paced around thinking to himself as Barbara and Zee looked at each other then at him* (Barbara): unless what? (Landon): Psycho red is Shareef, and Dymo is Yellow and Lukas is black.

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